(complete) BOG Blue Moon Rocks repro growing under a Mars FC 8000

Hey folks, after watching the tinfoil hat brigade for the past little while I figured I would post an update and get back into a better head space. So let’s start with the autos. They were thirsty so I just watered, they are moving along well and faster then I would have expected.

Now for the BMR. I put the one seed into coco yesterday and well, here it is a day later breaking soil.

Now being a bit frustrated yesterday I ended up cracking all the seeds by hand. Perhaps not the best idea but I gave it a shot. Looks like it was the right call. Now I got a tap root forming from one and a bunch of the others have started to separate so the embryos must be swelling up.

The 2 seeds I dropped in just to verify the environment were good, well of course they are growing perfectly, lol.

Ok, here is hoping all those swelling embrios pop tails and can be planted tomorrow :crossed_fingers: Have a great evening everyone.