BOG LSD co-op run

nothing wrong with that ! many cultivator use way to much/many nutrients -

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Good morning OG. Here are your daily baby picsā€¦plants are doing OK. New batch of.stringer nutes will be mixed tonight. TGIF.

Oh, and for those curious, Danny lives.

Have an amazing day OG. :v:



They all are looking fantasticā€¦ Danny is kicking ass, gonna be the star of the bunch. Nice job @DougDawson


Hey there all you LSD fans. Been feeling a bit under the weather the past few days so been kind of lazy. But feeling good today so mixed up a new batch of nutes for the seedlings. Was perfect timing as they were almost dry but thankfully not completely dry so no harm done. Here are the babies today.

One of the things I love the most about these seedling bags is seeing the root development. Here are a few pics of how they are doing under the surface.

So it looks like they are rooting up nicely. Will need to go to bigger pots real soon. Life is good. Have an amazing day OGers. :v:


Those root bags are too dang cool. Gonna have to get me some of those.

Hope youā€™re back to :100: real soon Doug. Sending good vibes to you up olā€™ Canada way :v: :wind_face:


:peace_symbol: :frog:


Thanks man. Thursday was a really horrible day but I am much better at this point. Seems whatever it was is about done messing with me.


yea Im sold on those already, wanne try them out

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I did a side by side at one point with those bags and straight cups and the plants in the bags outgrew the ones in the cups easily. They have been my go to ever since. Transplanting is such a breeze, just drop the whole bag into a hole in the dirt of the new pot and move on. They donā€™t tend to skip a beat. :v:


do they sell on amazon?

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Yup, thatā€™s where I got mine. Just search for seedling starter bags. They are very cheap as well so thatā€™s a bonus.


do they decompose well or they hsrd to compost

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They are biodegradable so will compost.

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i like to ask because even the jiffy netting for the peat pucks im using is a concern ive heard they dont decompose as well as label says

sry for my tangeant here: lol

lil side track here buddy of mine is an operator on jiffy pelets machines and hes my source for my fredh pucks, said they trying out new pellets with wood chips or bark buthes managed to get a few out of a very limited batch 7000 manifactured so i might try a dozen


Those jiffy net things take more then a year to decompose from my experience.


All good man. To be honest I donā€™t know exactly how long they take to decompose. I mulch them up with my old coco and toss them in the back yard so I donā€™t see them again. I have examined them after a grow and they donā€™t have near as much substance as they do when they are new so they are breaking down. I guess you want them to take a long time to break down do to why you are using them but the important thing in my mind is that they break down in the end so donā€™t hurt anything. Thatā€™s just my opinion though, others may feel different.


Hey @chronix , good to see you bud.


Hey Doug! Looks like your off to another great start with these babies!
Couple months from now you will be shucking thousands of more seeds! :astonished: :+1:

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Itā€™s looking promising. Got an end date of July 1st so I can get my first week up at the lake in the woods. Not going to be as big as I would like but I am sure they will get the job done. :crossed_fingers:


In the last 5 days they have really moved alongā€¦Nice work Doug!

I have those same size baggies that Iā€™ve never had a use for as usually do my seeds a bit differentā€¦but how you do it is pretty slick! Next oneā€™s Iā€™m doing your way. :slight_smile:
