BOG LSD co-op run

I know it was a few days ago but you guys were discussing 24hr veg lighting and if there is a difference between say 18/6 or 24hr.
There is.
I was taught 24hr lighting 35 years ago and still to this day practice the same.
The reason is because the plants will stretch at night and we wanted more compact , even growth rather than spurts of growth overnight. Now I don’t now if that is why other grower use 24hr light but we used to run 300 plant sea of green in 1 gallon pots, veg for 10 days on 24hr. The canopy stays nice and even when constantly lit. Giving them a dark cycle just makes them stretch and the canopy becomes uneven and internodal spacing becomes a problem.
That is what I was taught … dunno if it’s what we call “bro science” these days but that is why I use 24hr lighting. As a mechanism of control.


I have seen reports that 24 hour light schedule will provide faster plant growth when compared to 18 hour with same clone


I’d read that.

All plants are different, clearly, but I’ve tried to veg a couple with the autos on 20/4 and they hated it. I had to turn down the light or shorten the hours. Turning it down make them leggy.


Yours will probably show sex before mine.

Atleast one of us gets to know lol.

Looking good doug keep it rockin :sunglasses::muscle:

That makes a lot of sense. I have an app that takes a pic of my plants every 15 minutes while lit. The difference between the end of their day and beginning of their morning is ridiculous, everything is standing straight up every morning. I always thought they were just recovered and ready for the days growth, but it makes sense that they’re stretching up to where the light was, looking for more. I’m going to have go try that with some autos I just popped!

Thanks, bro science or not, it makes sense :grin::metal:


Hey OG, been a bit absent today. Just found the energy to feed my plants, which I couldn’t muster the strength to do yesterday, but I got it done. That was over an hour ago but found it in my to pop online and post an update. So this will be short and sweet. Here are the LSD.

And here are the other plants in my 4x4.

That’s it for me tonight. Back to the fan and blow dryer to take care of these hot and cold flashes, lol. Have a great night OG. :v:


Feel better DD! Thanks for the update but take care of yourself!


I hope you make a speedy recovery @DougDawson


Hope you fell better bud :metal:

The plants look amazing! Holy growth batman!


Plants look great.
Hope you feel better soon buddy.


Thanks for the well wishes everyone, they are appreciated. :v:


Stellar as always! Feel better man.:v:

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Healing vibes.

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Feel better man

That’s some kick ass info. Thanks for sharing that. Makes perfect sense to me.
I e never hesitated to use 24/7 light. Not for long periods of time but to kick start clones or seedlings yeah. I never really had a reason for it but now your description makes me think of it in a more positive manor.


As always such a beautiful grow ! Thanks for the peek !!


Looking great @DougDawson impressive as always!!
I’ve used 24 hour veg lighting for years.

GW pharmaceuticals did an experiment with 18/6 or 24/0. The results were that the 24/0 plants grew 25 percent faster


What about autos? At which point should they go down in light, or should they?


@Carty is much more knowledgeable about autos than I am. I believe 24/0 until it looks like it’s starting to flower than two weeks to induce flower hard than back to 18/6 to finish. If my memory is working.

We were talking about photo clones in veg in the earlier part of the conversation


For sure, we were indeed, I totally switched there :grin:

Thanks for the details though, I just put 3 autos into a new grow area on their own, so the whole topic got me thinking :grin::metal: