BOG LSD co-op run


Stacks on stacks!

Those girls are reaching for the moon.
Looking so healthy sir!

Keep on killing it!
Amazing grow going down here.



Ya know Doug, just a little scoop of blood meal worked into the surface of your coco and watered in will likely fix that Frankenstein in a matter of days.
But, idk how you feel about organic inputs in your mix. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good afternoon OG, just dropping last nights pics. Things are still going well and plants are pretty healthy.

I did see some burnt tips on one of them, shame on me, but nothing to serious, lol.


Did some pollen collection again and managed to get another 10 grams collected. The 2 oz mark has been broken bringing the total to 59.5 grams so far. We shall see how much more these boys have to give.

Well that’s your LSD update for today. Hope you all have an amazing day. Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there. :v:


Here is a quick update on my other plants.

After the comment from @blowdout2269 I decided to buy some blood meal last night as it will get here today and the stuff @Pigeonman suggested would have taken a few more days to reach me. So tonight I will top dress Yellow Frankie with some blood meal and see if that helps. :crossed_fingers:


Woo! You got this Double-D!


Beautiful plants @DougDawson


I had a gigantic Bloody Monster(Frankie × DBHP) by @JohnnyPotseed getting outa hand inside. Same exact problem early on.
I dosed her with blood meal and seen her darken up very quickly. Might have actually overdosed her a little bit. Cuz she had the slightest tip curl the rest of her life. :laughing:


Great job @DougDawson …really, some nice looking plants here. :+1:

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Time will tell, I will dose her tonight. I got Miracle Grow Blood Meal. It’s 12.0.0. There was some Gaya green stuff that was 14.0.0 but almost 3 times the price. With hand watering and pollen collection I have just been too lazy to bother messing with this one plant. The other 15 all get the same feed and I am mixing 3 x 5 gallon pales every other day. Mixing separate nutes was just not something I had the time for but a simple top dressing will take no effort so it’s worth a shot. We will all see what it does.


Yeah, I used Espoma 12-0-0. Strong stuff.
Then again, I was kinda in the same mindset as you about this “one plant”, so i dont think i measured shit. :joy:


Good morning OG, just dropping some pics from last night. Plants doing their thing and coming along nicely. Here theybare at feeding time.

Did some more pollen collecting and got 8.3 grams last night. That brings the total to 67.8 grams so far.


Well thats it for LSD today. Have an amazing day OGers. :v:


Also here are the other plants. Top dressed Frankie with some Blood Meal and fed her. Let’s see if.that helps the poor girl out. The other plants are doing fine.


lol them boys just keep on pumping out the dust for ya there, brother! The gals are looking delicious too!


Good morning brother. Thanks, so far, so good. These boys have not disappointed and while they are getting a bit beaten up, they are still producing well. Can’t wait to see how much more they are willing to give. Looking forward to seeing how Frankie reacts to the big dose of nitrogen.


That should do the trick for her, lol She IS a Nitrogen hog!


Sorry for the late question but how big were they and did u grow them outside? The most I’ve ever got off one plant is like 3 jars.


They were indoors in my 4x4 tent. The 2 on the left are Shiva Shunk and the 2 on the right are Maui Woui.


Good morning OG. Not much of an update today. Got all tied up last night and didn’t collect pollen or feed my plants. I did feed them this morning before the lights went out at 8am or they would have been pissed by the time the lights came back on tonight. The pots were totally dried out but the plants are fine and didn’t start drooping so all is well. Here they are this morning. On the bright side, pollen collection should be good tonight.

The other plants are doing.fine as well. Another quick feed for them this morning as well.

So that’s it for now. Have an amazing day OGers. :v:


It looks like yellow Frankie is starting to get her color back.


I think that’s just the pic. I top fed it some extra Nitrogen 24 hours before that pic so the next few days will be interesting. Would love to see her green up for me.