BOG LSD co-op run

He is around, he posted 14 hours ago and seen 4 hours ago.


SUPER, THANKS, Doug!!! I am SO relieved. SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Iā€™m excited for this @DougDawson

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One day you open OG and have 235 notifications and you whisper to yourself ā€œoh shit, itā€™s sign up timeā€


DD Can you explain the seed germ station what it is composed of?
I like it , what is the paper that you use for the seeds to set on over heat mat?
Is that a temp gauge, what is ideal germ temp you shoot for.
Thks for everything you do brother.


Awesome! Stoked to see another Bog gem go down by the one and only! Definitely sending positive vibes and best wishes although we all know you donā€™t need it! Much respect brother


Iā€™ve got more in the stash from that BOG LSD fem seed run if anyone wants. Iā€™ll have to double check how manyā€¦but I know Iā€™ve got a few more.

Ooohā€¦didnā€™t realize this was another seed run!! Open pollenation?! I didnā€™t have any males when doing my run so had to fem.


Whoa, very detailed response! Thank you @blowdout2269 @DougDawson and @Sbeanonnamellow for helping me figure the rest out. Hopefully this will come in handy for others too if they come across it in a search.

Good thing Iā€™m planning to follow along with this thread! (And a few others!) Iā€™ll be sure to set it to ā€œwatchā€ instead of ā€œtrackingā€ in the near future. For now Iā€™m just gonna enjoy the ride and try to soak in as much knowledge as I can. Things are about ready to get started here at my lily pad :frog:


Nice one @Tappy. With Bog only doing reg seeds Iā€™ve kind of avoided his stuff. Iā€™d love to give his strains a go and this will likely be the closest Iā€™ll ever get to growing his stuff out. Shout out if you can spare some buddy. Thanks :blush:


itā€™s tough keeping up with the volume in Dougā€™s preservations, with good reason.

Thanks for another good one Sir!


Man is trying to out do BOG himself. Would love if it were possible to see statistics on that


Sure man, itā€™s pretty basic. I take a standard black plastic plant tray and put a heat mat under it.

The heat mat fitā€™s perfectly under this thing so itā€™s completely covered. Then I take a large ziplock baggie and cut it down the sides. Open it up in the planter box and lay 3 pieces of brown paper towel down on one half of it. This is paper towel I get from work and it is almost like paper. Itā€™s not very absorbent and not soft like stuff you would buy for your house. This is really good for the seedlings since the paper towel is not fluffy and the little roots donā€™t dig into it or get stuck. That makes it easier to remove them without damage vs regular paper towel where the roots tend to stick. From there I lay 3 more pieces of paper towel on top. I thank take a rag and put it over the paper towel. Soak it all down and drain the excess water off until the whole thing stops dripping. At that point I lay the seeds out cover with the paper towel and rag. Then fold the other half of the ziplock baggie over the top like a blanket.

This creates a little micro climate. As the water tries to evaporate it hits the baggie and forms condensation which is absorbed back into the rag. I can leave this for over a week and never have any issues with it drying out. Seeds are always surrounded by moisture but never sitting in pools of water.

The black probe is from the heat mat which I set at 22 C. I put the probe there with the seeds because that is where we want the target temp to be accurate. I have had great luck with this setup as long as I have good seeds. :v:


By the way, after about 18 hours in paper towel we have 3 now cracked and showing tails. Come on LSD, letā€™s get the rest of these going, lol.


Seeing the brown color I thought you had a special sauce to pop the seeds with maybe lots of ingredients when itā€™s justā€¦ brown paper :laughing:

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LOL, yeah, itā€™s just brown paper towel. I just find this stuff works way better than the store bought stuff to protect the roots. The rag keeps the moisture in since the paper towel will not hold water for long.


If Iā€™m sprouting in a paper tower (not very often) I use a baby wipe that Iā€™ve ran under a tap for a while to get rid of all the shit and rang out. Worked well and doesnā€™t fall apart in your hands while checking them.


"Important DD-Tidbits #101812". Youā€™ll find the entire Collection in the ā€œProfessor Dawson Lecture Seriesā€!! SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I can see that. To me itā€™s just really about giving them something that doenā€™t promote their little hairs of the roots from penetrating and sticking. There are many things one could use I am sure. Many trails lead to the watering hole, I just like this one, lol.



Umā€¦ I hope you mean a NEW wipe and not a used one :face_vomiting:


Hey donā€™t knock shite. Itā€™s full of nutrients. :rofl: