BOG LSD co-op run

I CANNOT BELIEVE I missed this one. I look at it EVERY DAY!


Hey DD, I didn’t see if there was a limited number of sign ups, but someone else thought 75 for Trust level 2 members. Not sure how accurate that is and there was already an open #76 on the list so I jumped in. Let me know if I’m screwing things up and I’ll jump off

Either way, congrats on a beautiful run after the trouble those original seeds gave ya! Plants look like they enjoyed a happy happy life!


Sorry @sllimnave and @Trae1170 , had to remove you too. The co-op rules state only 75 signups for tl2 and tl3.

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I was just writing you!
All good though - again congrats on the plants man!


I am organizing a site auction right now but will look to putting up some kind of overflow list for those who missed out. I will have to distribut them on my own as I cannot have more than 150 in the co-op but I will try to work something out for those that missed out. Stay tuned.


If you need postage donations, let me know. I can cash app some money to you. At least a few US dollars.


Thanks @sllimnave

Thanks @Zolorp , much appreciated. I may take you up on that although there is no cash app in Canada.


Love it!
Id like to see how anyone else keeps their collector cards…? i dont want to just put them in a sleeve and put them away, not quite looking to frame them though either


You guys could still be in luck if they open an over flow list later on it’s been known to happen .

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Something like this would work. They are holigram cards so they don’t take a great pic but you get the idea. These are holders for 2 and 6 cards but you can get ones for just 1 card as well.


Missed the sign-up.


Not to worry @Tejas , I will try to sort something out for the folks that missed it. Got to get through my server auction first. It should go live in the next couple days and is going to be great. There will be over 127 packs of seeds and growing so keep an eye out for that everyone. Time to help upgrade the OG storage capacity so we can all keep posting all those pics. :v:


Ohhhhhh so that’s what the server auctions are… funding for more server space?
That makes so much sense :sweat_smile:


You can really tell too! When you look at other sites the picture quality and posting is nothing near what we have here. It’s night and day.


That’s a great tip! I’ll watch out for this next time! I am new here and on some of the Co-Op runs people put (OPEN) in the title when it’s open so I assumed it was like that for all of them.

Honestly I like to think I’m pretty savvy and I find to Co-Op system and wikis and rules do have a bit of a learning curve for a newbie! I’m hoping to submit and get approved for my own Co-Op run soon after which I am sure I will have a much better understanding of the system :grin:.

And of course I understand people volunteer a tonne of time and effort into doing these Co-Ops and running the distro so really, everyone is doing a fantastic job I think.

And I ain’t mad about missing out the sign up. Thanks for the show and I’m excited to see how these wrap up for you! And I’ll watch more closely next time :blush:


I’ve followed this thread from the start and missed the signup anyway so fuck me I guess.

Also I don’t get that kind of notification. :man_shrugging:


You can change it to watching at the bottom. This lets you know every post that is made


Beautiful work as always @DougDawson

Somehow I missed the sign up. I will keep an eye on your giveaway thread for a chance to win some.


If this is directed at me, I had it on watch. Does not tell me though that somebody edited post number 2 from months ago.


Missed it too, gad dumbit 🥸
Oh well, i got too many seeds as it is :joy: was fun as always to watch the magic happen

:droplet: 🫘 :seedling: 🪴 :deciduous_tree: 🪄 :sparkles: 🫘