BOG LSD co-op run

Well there are actually scientific paper proving that baby poo is the best product to germinate seeds. I just can’t find them anymore, wonder why. Maybe I was high :smiley:


Are these papers 2 or 3 ply?? :rofl:


I’d take you up on that. If the offer stands.

For real! I’ve tried their freebies before, they are straight up insane. Zkittlez had me floating, and all of them sprout like crazy…

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Seedfinder shows 20 different version of LSD from different breeders so there are many strains with that name.


I wish I’d not mentioned it now :rofl: I’ve created work for you buddy.
Barneys is skunk #1 x Afghan indica. Trippy stuff and yields immense.
If @Tappy gets back to me I’ll let you know how bogs LSD performs.


Awesome Thanks
Those towels remind me of State Parks pull down paper towels that would shred ones face if they tried to dry themselves with them. I know that well.
Pretty cool I like it, I have everything to do this but the paper towels.
To the nearest state park I will go .


I read somewhere that coffee filters work well and don’t stick to the root, but I haven’t tried it myself


Still warm preferably😷


Naw, I already knew this and where to find it, lol. No worries.

Yup, or mall or hospital. They tend to go cheap so as paper towel the stuff pretty much sucks but for this purpose, it’s great.


It’s basically very thin cardboard. It even smells like it. It’s great for seed sprouting because the tap root doesn’t pierce through it. Perfect for seed sprouting.


I have always found that frustrating because it makes information/logs about the BOG version harder to find. I am super neurotic/OCD about labeling and such, so i find it annoying when people don’t Google first and just name a strain after something that already exists. It creates so much confusion, especially when the genetics have almost no overlap

BOG’s version deserves more attention anyway. Glad it has persevered/is persevering


One more question, are they the paper towels that come all separated as one towel each when you pull them down and out or are they lengths of the paper roll type towels that pull down and out? Most likely the same composer of the paper.

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I do as well but it’s just one of those things you can’t do anything about. It does lead people to tons of confusion. Someone says “I loved LSD, it was one of my favorite strains”. Then you have to wonder which version they mean and most would have no clue. Its a shame really.


The rolls are one solid sheet of brown paper towel. They go into commercial dispensers that cut them into lengths when you pull them out. The rolls are also much larger than you buy in the stores as they are meant for commercial dispensers.


Hey there all you OGers, so its now day 2 since these babies went into paper towel. After one day we say 3 tap roots forming, not bad. Now let’s take a look together and see what day 2 holds for us. Did they stall, did more open. HMMMM…

So it looks like we have 12 tap roots out of the 13 seeds. Well that’s a good sign. So the last pack we saw 0/13 and now this pack shows up 12/13. That’s great to see and we can’t count out that last seeds just yet, it may still sprout. But even if it doesn’t, 12 plants will be plenty to work with. Ok, guess it’s back to trim jail, have a great day everyone. :v:


Outstanding!!! Looks like your off to a fantastic start with these


This is great news @DougDawson! Thank you @buckaroobonsai for the save!

Many blessings and much love


It’s always a pleasure helping out where I can. :sunglasses:


I have had a lot of different versions of LSD, but nothing is ever close to Bog’s LSD which, to my recollection, is the ORIGINAL LSD.