BOG LSD co-op run


Doobies here!!! Doobiea dubba daw!


I had about 1000 messages to catch up on but wow ! Really amazing job.


Thanks man, it was a fun run.


Its amazing how quickly time has flown by, it feels like you just flipped a couple weeks back :sweat_smile:

Congratulations on another run, well done!


Thanks bud, it sure does. Nothing to do now but shuck the seeds and prepare for my next run starting the second week of Sept. Going to be great. The amazing @CADMAN is already working on the design of the card. :wink:


Holy crap, that card is ridiculously cool!!

@CADMAN you are insanely talented!!


Amazing work here, @DougDawson! Looks like I missed the signup window - this one must have been super popular. Congrats on your success!


I’ll take your brain to another dimension :musical_note: :rocket: :alien:

I missed the sign up :frowning:


Thanks @Emeraldgreen. There will be plenty to go around in the end, many folks missed the signup like you and @Skywalkerf1. I added 10 more spots but at present don’t want to add more. I will have to send them myself on my dime and that would get hectic while also doing the fall boxes. But I should have good number as far as I can tell. Had to stop shucking seeds so I could trim plants but will get back at it when trimming is done. Got to check out my new seed sorter and see how it works. :v:


Damn @CADMAN, awesome card man.


Looks :eyes: like you got another hit @CADMAN in the works for the next collectors cards :flower_playing_cards:! Very fitting for @DougDawson grow! I can’t wait to see the finish product. I hope to collect one of them soon! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::blush::wink::crossed_fingers::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::v:


Freedom, woo hoo. Man, trimming is a pain. So yellow Frankie was really not worth trimming. It’s just got no real substance. The main stem was only the size of a pencil. All 4 plants were left too long in their seedling bags and I think poor Frankie took it the worst. I did however trim the 2 Blue Moon Rocks and 1 LSD plant. What did I end up with you ask, ended up with just over 331.8 grams. So just under 3/4 of a lb. I don’t normally weight my stuff but figured some might be curious. This is the weight after smoking the stuff with my wife all week. Also got a bunch of seeds that fell out while trimming. So I now have a bunch of LSD seeds from the F2 and a pile of Blue Moon Rocks X LSD as well. Looks like I will be collecting seeds while I smoke this stuff for a while. Still, not a horrible thing and the smoke will last a bit. Anyway, just thought I would toss this up for those who were curious. Have an amazing day OG.


Looks great Doug that’s all that matters is not running out of something decent to smoke .
Especially when almost everything you’ve been growing is seeded, lightly seeded bud is probably pretty nice to have stashed vs bone dry crumbled heavy seeded material your used to seeing.


Absolutely. I don’t even try to smoke the stuff from my seed runs. It’s more seed than plant so you end up with a pile of harsh seed husks and it’s just not a pleasant smoke. While this stuff is fairly seeded, it’s not ruined. Didn’t over dry, not so many seeds that it killed it. So I am pretty happy. Be interesting to see what the BMR X LSD cross looks like. I still would have liked unseeded bud but still, it is what it is. I am pretty pleased with just under a 1/4 lb per plant average. These were much smaller than I normally grow plants so I was surprised by the result.


@DougDawson You my friend need a dry herb vaporizer! It’s great for checking profile, or getting use of ratty looking scrappy flower after a seed run, and before something is harvested :v:

Just picked up a bubbler for one, and it’s even better.


did the seed sorter/cleaner work?

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I have the Arizer ArGo. Also have a desktop unit with whip and balloons. Just not really my cup of tea.

I have not tried it yet. Finished trimming my plants and have been packing envelopes and making seeds packs. I did go to hook it up yesterday and found the the vacuum hoze is the same size as the port on the sorter so I have to tape it or find some other way to connect it before I can try it. I will post up once I test it. Just not enough hours in the day.


Looks and sounds like a success to me. Congrats.:+1::v:

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is these pic of you doug ? or your alias ! hahah ok i want to sign up you already know that one for sure can i just pay pal the money for the box like last time or are these individual ? runs