BOG LSD co-op run

I would bet I saved at least an hour, maybe more. That’s just for that pile too, over the course of the 6 plants the time savings will be huge. It will also be a huge benefit to me because sorting seeds out is the worst and I consider it a bit brain numbing. Normally I have to take a pile at a time and use my tray with a card to get the seeds out before I can do any sorting. This thing does part of the sorting and saves the entire step of the tray and card.


What do you do with all your immature seeds? I like to plant them all into a large container and have a 1000 immature looking seed Battle Royal. Its fun for sure.


Ok folks, gave this another shot today and it went quicker now that I got this thing dialed in. I took the last top off my 6 plants.

Broke it down into this.

This was the first pass.

Now the second pass.

Sifted through the chaff and seeds and now got these.

Total time for this cleaning was 40 min. I am really digging this machine.


I normally take them and scatter them in the woods up at my cottage.


has anything ever grown “wild” up there as a result of your scattering?


That’s too awesome man!!

I’ve been looking at 3d printers for a while now… One of these stoned nights I’ll pull the trigger. Figuring out the best seed shucker was going to be my first project.

Shucking seeds is such a massive PITA that could be solved in such a cool way :grin:

Glad you found one that works!! I bet your eyes are thanking you too, lol


Not that I have seen so far.

You got that right. This thing is a game changer for me. Going to save me hours and much eye strain.


Ok, let’s talk totals. Todays top is the last one so I have taken the tops off all 6 plants. This is what we got.

Going by weight, the 6 tops produced 4593 seeds. Now I just have to shuck the rest of the 6 plants since I have only taken the tops. Loads of branches left to process. Gotta be well over 10k seeds in the end.


have you been doing that for years?
i think the woodland critters eat it TBH. hell… the dogs love to eat the fan leaves here. i bet deer would eat it. do y’all have stickers/thorn bushes up there? toss the seed in there. you might see something.

that’s a lot. certainly a successful run.
of all the runs you have done, which strain produced the most absurd amount of seed?


The last couple years really. I will try the thorn bush idea. The most seeds produced had to be Blue Kush with north of 32k seeds.


Will you be adding any more numbers for overflow @DougDawson . I would like to get in on these if possible.


Congratz on the huge pile of seeds you produced and thanks for posting your seed sorter test results.


Possibly, once I finish shucking all the seeds.


I’ve been reading through some old threads of late and today I came across this gem of a post!

How things change over time, I guess we’re all starting out at some point. It did get me to wondering though, how many 1000’s of seeds you must have shucked since then on your mission to overgrow the world? :thinking:


They sure do. That was my first seed run and this was my 7th. I would say north of 100k.


What a shame to miss out on this one. I’ll be hoping for some more overflow spots to get added :pray: :smiling_face:

Beautiful work again :clap: BOG will be remembered for a long time with all these seeds.


Put his giveaway thread on watch. I’m positive @DougDawson has produced beyond all obligation


I already did :sweat_smile: but thanks for the advice. Looking at the amount of seeds and some comments from @DougDawson I have a feeling there might be some more coming.


There will likely be more, but I don’t want to over extend myself. I leave for a week at the lake tomorrow to celebrate my 35th anniversary. When I get back, I will have a weeks worth of giveaways to pack up and send. I will need to shuck the 70% of my seed run plants and get them packed up for the co-op. I will need to start the JPS auction, clean my tents and start my BOGBubble run and a bud run. Any overflow will have to be sent by me on my dime and will have to wait for me to clear all that stuff off my plate. The reality is that taking on more obligations right now is not in the cards.


That’s very understandable, I was not trying to get you to take on even more than you’re doing already for the community. But I’ll be watching :eyes:

Time to celebrate your birthday at the lake, I hope you have a great time! Happy 35th birthday :birthday: :partying_face: :tada: