BOG LSD co-op run

I never thought about squeezing it and letting the coco just fall in. I always try to pack it in a little, which is when I break my root lol. Thanks for the quick reply. Always learning something from you


No worries. I donā€™t worry about packing the coco in. That gentle squeeze fills in most of the hole and watering fills in the rest naturally so it works out fine.


@DougDawson if you have any questions about Jackā€™s Nutrients Iā€™ve been using them for over 15 yearsā€¦and very familiar with it. :slight_smile: Been using the 3-2-1 way before it even existed. Back then it was simply called Peters Pro Hydroponic & Calcium Nitrateā€¦



If using Jacks with coco Iā€™d highly recommend a buffer/soak solution with Jacks part B (Calcium Nitrate) and Epsom.

Mix up Epsom salt and Cal-Nitā€¦Epsom first @ 20 ppm then add in the Cal-Nit @ 250 ppmā€¦ so a total of 270 ppm. This will force out smaller elements like Potassium and other salts and give you the best start. :slight_smile: It will keep nutrient ratios on point and help with coco and Potassium issues causing Cal/Mag issuesā€¦.


EDIT: Honestly Iā€™d buffer the coco regardless of what nutrient program you useā€¦makes a difference. :slight_smile:

Had the soak backwardsā€¦fixed.


Thanks man. I got some pretty solid advice for using Jacks and my last run turned out fine in the end. I am just not going to use a nutrient I have only used once on a seed run. I will be using it for my bud run but thatā€™s because I can afford to have that go sideways. Seed run is much more important. Once I am used to Jacks I will likely start using it full time. That said, I have a number of new nutrients to play with. Hygrozyme just sent me a full kit to try out. I have a couple other kits as well. So many options, lol.



Thatā€™s awesomeā€¦I love free nutrients!

Never been a fan of Hygrozymeā€¦if youā€™d like a great replacement for it let me know. :slight_smile: Much much cheaper and more effectiveā€¦


I think I have around 5 different nutrient lines right now. Not sure when I will get to these, they sent the kit to me last week. Just added it to my collection, lol.


I just started using Jacks just following there 321 tap. I would appreciate hearing about it

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House & Garden sent me the entire line for Coco and I really like thatā€¦just not the price! Ha

Iā€™ve tired all the main nutrient lines in the course of 30+ years. Jacks is my go to and always will beā€¦price per pound vs performance it canā€™t be beat imo.



@Fortman420 message sent

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Question @DougDawson.

What Temp do you target/maintain in the Paper Towel?

Nice work seeing 13/13 !!


MissinBissin you not missin on the important questions great ask im wondering alot about temps for germination


I set it to 22c or 72f for my southern brothers and sisters.


Morning and Thanks @DougDawson

Iā€™m a nosey BaStArD


Well I ran out of time last night so my little ones are still in paper towel. Not what I wanted but just ran out of time. The seedling bags are filled with coco. I just need to mix some gentle nutes and then will move these after work today. Hang in there little ones, be seeing you in a few hours.


Impressive tails, those are going to take off when they hit the cocoā€¦


wish my pid would go lower but 80 is the lowest i can set it to when i check it, it fluctuates between 80-90

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I am hoping so. I really didnā€™t want to leave them an extra day, but they should be fine. I will be home to mix nutes and move them in 4 hours. At least the seedling bags are all full and ready to go.

Yikes, 26c to 32c is really warm.


it just goes to 90 gor a little moment but dur to heat ramping effect it always goes above 80 and stays around 84-86 mostly but when it drops below 80 and the heat turns on it only turnsoff at 80 so by the time the ellement dissipates the extra heat it goes over 80