Bog Seeds Availability Info

Doug wants them and there are only 5, I do have other strains that are 20+ years old
Sensistar X MTF
Blue widow
Black jack
Crystal Locomotive bx2
Bodhi snow queen
And dman red widow-13
Sorry if this thread happens to be in the wrong spot but I knew doug lov d his BOG so I wanted to give him his chance but I also feel bad about everyone else


Don’t feel badly, your seeds in @DougDawson hands are for sure in good hands. He’s very trustworthy & perfect to take care of them…

What’s the story with your Blueberry?


It’s from BC growers association from before 2004. I got that entire list of seeds from a guy who used to work with Vic high as a tester

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Blue widow , whats its story

Does it smell or taste like Blueberry? If yes I’d be interested . Been wanting to cross a Blueberry with some other Blueberry types I’ve got.

I don’t know haven’t popped any, I do have a couple blueberry worrior that smell like blueberry muffins

If you like or want we can trade something for a few old Blueberry and or the Blueberry warrer?

I’m off to work just now for the night. But PM me what your willing to trade and I’ll do the same before tomorrow. We can work something out.

I’m just Gona take this to seed trader moderated

So I feel kind of greedy regarding the BOG Sour Bubble so I am going to pass on them. Man that was tough to type. I already have a full pack I bought at auction and a half pack from a user here as a backup. I would not feel right hording them, I mean part of me wants to, but I just can’t be that guy.


It’s not hoarding if your making seeds to giveaway lol

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I got to check my stocks but I can probably do some of both

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BaddA$$. I’ll use them to build an epic Blueberry strain.

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Sent ya pm about the sour bubble.

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that red widow sounds like a really good strain you should pop those and make a journal :star_struck:

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Recently got some sour Bluetooth that I’m planning on making more seeds of in the future. Might be doing some testers first for someone though so not sure when I’ll be able to crack into em

I just dusted a very nice blueberry with PPP pollen, I’ll try to remember to send some your way.


Wow, this scammer is making a career outta this BOG grift. Hopefully legit seeds get released sooner than later. That’s probably the only thing that’s gonna stop these drug addicts from stealing from people.


First sentence of the website.

“BOG Seeds is a mom and pop operation started in the year 2000 by high school sweethearts with a shared a love for the cannabis.”

Didnt even try hard. “. . . with a shared a love for the cannabis.” Edit the damn thing if you wanna scam people. Jesus Christ.

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It’s the same guy from before and the same lame renamed website. They make a new ig account, follow a lot of people, lead them to that domain name, rinse, repeat, cash in.

He and his girlfriend’s picture have been posted up a few times and it hasn’t seemed to helped much if at all. They’re pretty shameless and brazen.


Shit is live on seeds here now. Dont sleep

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