BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy preservation co-op run completed

they look a little like tea bags :smiley:

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Well it’s been a day and the seedlings are doing fine, transplanting didn’t seem to do any harm. Time to mix some nutes.


Looking good Doug, I can’t believe how uniform they all are, they are going to blow up when they get some food.


Hey there OG, just a quick update for tonight. The little ones are doing well and trucking along as expected. Just upped their nutes a bit and gave them all a good drenching. They are off to a good start.


Outta curiosity. What line of nutes you using at this stage? And concentration? Your stuff always look perfect… or close to it. PS… I do realize you run coco.


I am just using GH trio. For today I mixed 7.5 ML Calmag, 20 ML Micro, 25 ML Grow and 5 ML of Bloom in 5 gallons of water. When the plants are well established I will move to the mix that I basically use the rest of their lives until I start easing back late in flower. So for 90% of their life they will get my standard mix which is…

Epsom Salt = 1 to 1.5 grams per gallon. 1.5 in flower. 5 grams for 5 gallons in veg and 7.5 grams per 5 gallon in flower
Micro = 6.67 per gallon which is 33.35 ML per 5 gallon
Grow = 6.67 per gallon which is 33.35 ML per 5 gallon
Bloom = 8.3 per gallon which is 41.5 ML per 5 gallon


Awesome. Thats the detail I love from you. Surprised more people dont ask. And I do realize… there are several ways to skin a cat. I call my method…. Gutshoot. Gonna have to work on that. Copied and saved!


A while back that mix turned a grower right around who had multiple problems and couldn’t lock down their grows. I freely give it to everyone and it works well. Of course it isn’t a magic wand, some strains won’t like it, but it is a good starting point. I figure if I can help folks get to a harvest using it, they will gain confidence. Then they can tweak it all they want to suit them.


Thanks for sharing…. With all of us.


I’m curious to what exact micro nutes you use? I’ve been looking at trying some new micros.

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It’s the GH trio which is the General Hydroponics brand.


Doug BOGson :+1:


And what Coco Doug

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It’s Canna Coco Professional Plus, lol. The names of these things.



Here is the companies spiel.

CANNA Coco substrate is a 100% organic product having a fine, uniform structure, free from viruses, chemical additives and soil diseases.

The fact that CANNA Coco is not steamed is not the only thing that distinguishes it from other substrates; this is also achieved by the use of pure, first class source materials. Which come from India, where CANNA’s production facilities use fresh water only to soak the coco. This to make sure no salts gets in contact with CANNA Coco, ensuring a clean product.

  • Strong root formation, powerful growth and reusability are combined in the CANNA Coco substrate.
  • CANNA Coco Professional Plus is free of harmful viruses and soil diseases, thanks to CANNA’s unique production process.
  • It also combines the tolerance and organic nature of soil, with the feeding precision when growing in hydroponics.
  • It has a complex balance between water and air which means that it outstrips other substrates.
  • CANNA Coco substrate has been developed and tailored to the needs of the CANNA grower.

Ok OGers, so looking at them today I have to say they didn’t skip a beat when transplanted. It’s been 24 hours since I upped their feed and not signs of any of them not being happy about it. Turned the light up to 35% and will keep creeping that dial up until they move to my grow room this weekend.

Ok, off for some dinner, how shall I put this.


Hey OG, just dropping in to give a look at the little ones. They are doing ok and trucking right along. Here are the babies now. Now it’s back to organizing fall boxes, have a great night.


Looking awesome as usual Doug…beauty!


Awesome thread DD


Thanks @CanuckistanPete and @Papalag :v: