BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy preservation co-op run completed

Thanks @Butustank , it’s been a fun journey so far. Looking forward to this one for sure. I love my first grow when I get done holidays, a couple months of not growing is a nice break but I get antsy by the end and am happy to get back at it for another adventure.


Tell me about some BOG strains… I know so little. What’s in the running for his best? He was on OG a long time? I came either after he passed or shortly before then, so I missed out on the all the " buzz".

Lol. Good timing anyway. Chatty Patty here would have kept yapping😉. I had the good shit out last night😁
Still outta likes…


been having a hard time germinating - my rate is 1 seed out of 3 — I shake seeds to crack them (30seconds) drop them in water (heated) for 24-48hr soak then in wet paper towel in baggies till sprouted 1-2 days Thoughts ? Thanks

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I feel you @hawkman , my rate was absolute garbage until I stumbled upon @JohnnyPotseed 's seed sprouting method and then for the soak that H202 trick.

I have never and wont do the paper towel method but I am not against it. It’s a personal preference. I prepare my starting cups with 2/3rds of promix BX (my medium of choice), and then the top 1/3 with PURE earth worm castings. I use 16oz solocups with holes melted along by using an old soldering iron on all sides making them like “air-pots” but I call em “Speedpots” to smile as it’s also an early Simpson’s reference.

These get 4.5oz of filtered water (on the day i’m starting my seeds) from the top which saturates everything and takes some of the EWC goodness INTO the promixBX lower layers.

I scuff each seed 1 at a time, and also for about 20-30seconds, tossing them into my shot-glass and when all are done I’ll add my “seed starting solution” and watch them dance in the water and float to the top.

These get covered in a dark warm space at 24-25c and in usually less than 24hrs there’s a tap root showing. When this tap root is about 1-3mm I poke a hole in the middle of my speedcups medium with a metal chopstick and using an esspresso spoon I scoop out a seed with a little solution and “float” the taproot to the end of the spoon and drop it into the hole. It’s my “Seed planting via waterslide” technique. :rofl:

These cups get covered with a 4" pot, which keeps in a micro-climate but the holes have 2 purposes, with one being that the give the seedling a growing direction when they break the surface and the other is that it’s not soooo humid in there that I have damping off problems.

Since doing all the above the only time I’ve had a seed fail is because it was dead to begin with.

Once I have 4 of 4 seeds NOT pop in the solution, and STILL DIDN’T POP when in EWC for 7 days… I dug each up and found the seed to be perfectly fine so I cracked each in between my fingers carefully and then replanted them. One week later it was 4 outa 4 seedlings so this was a case where those casings were just BEEFY AS FUCK.

I’ve read of folks going at these type of seeds with razor blades to get them started!!!

For a full read up on JPS’s earth worm castings method:



Thats not a 6% solution of Hydrogen peroxide. It is 6% by volume, but the HP was already at 3%. So the mix is a bit less than .2% hydrogen peroxide.


Yeah yeah yeah, but you understood the point.
Nerd. :bear::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’s not incorrect to say 6% of 3%, just less clear
Now go back to studying your textbooks



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@Pigeonman how is that possible?! (I mean I understand variable perspective value) The math is the same!
I love you buddy, but I don’t always understand you. Actually, that would be pretty boring. :bear::purple_heart:
Now let me ask a real question: What changed for you in the presentation of the formula when Danonly put it that way? As an educator I’m curious

I don’t understand myself sometimes bud. :rofl:

6% of 3% → brain goes :exploding_head:

HP was already at 3%. So the mix is a bit less than .2% hydrogen peroxide → 30ml of 3% h202 with 475ml of water is a VERY DILUTED % of H202.


I shit you knot my entire life I do things based on gut intuition and observations and folks are always like: “How did you calculate for that?!” and I’m all like: “I didn’t. I just did this based on what seemed the correct way to do it.”

Yes @HeadyBearAdventures I love the stillsuite section in Dune.


Thanks for taking the time to explain.
It’s insensitive of me to express shock at the way you understand (or don’t understand) something, sorry about that.
And yes, I’m the guy who got in trouble in math class, because I did all the work in my head and only wrote down the answers. :sweat_smile:


Those full jars of full melt hash are mouth watering!:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:
@HeadyBearAdventures that was me also in math until you get into calculus and advanced algebra where they give you the answer so you get graded on the work! 6 math problems 2-4 pages of work for each.:exploding_head:

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It’s totally fine bud. I love reactions so long as they are not meant with harm. My work means anything goes, so I have learned to paraphrase like cray-cray to ensure understanding has occurred on both sides of the counter.

Yeah that’s my Dad not me. I’m the guy that looks at something and goes “this will work” and then someone else measures and maths and they look at me like i’m a witch. Cause well I am but not in the way they think.

Yeah I flipped a table and raged the fuck out in class once for the prof forcing me to do this. I ended up in a remedial doing 2 years worth of maths in order to just get a 51% in both years to move on.

Never graduated Highschool either. I was to smart to… :rofl: But my best friend did steal my diploma under the logic: “They spent money printing it for no reason so I might as well steal if for you.”



So BOG’s staple strain was Sour Bubble. There is some back and forth about it’s origins but as far as I know it was a pheno from a Bubblegum strain. Sour Bubble is so far my favorite and does good for my back pain. Grape Punch was also a strain I really enjoyed. Many of his strains were aimed at the medical community. I really got a kick out of the guy although never had the chance to chat with him as I was not really into the online growing community back then. His passion for growing medical strains and quirky talk about aliens and living in a cave just kind of got me. When he passed he was living with is son and all the clones from his life’s work were gone so I figured I would do what I could to keep these genetics around for years to come. Can’t say what his son is going to do to carry on the lines but in the end, he is working from seeds, the same as the rest of us so it will never be the same.


Hey OG, so things are looking good. Dropped 13 seeds, 13 cracked but one did not seem to go anywhere after that. That tap root just didn’t start growing for some reason. Did a bit of surgery today to help a couple of them remove the seed membranes. Hopefully the ones that were stuck come around quickly. They aren’t green due to being stuck in the membranes but are growing so I am sure they will be fine. Gently removed the coco from the one that didn’t grow a tap root and it’s still as it was so I doubt it will do anything but I covered it back up and will leave it for another day or 2 just in case. But either way, at this point there are 12 seedlings above ground. Have a great day OG.


Johnnys method looks real solid I’m keen to try that out for a healthier start out of the gate. I’ve had (last 20-30 seeds at least) good results with 12-18 hrs filtered water soak then in jiffy pellets in the top cupboard covered in a humidity dome.


….and we’re off.


Yes sir and with a 92.3% germ rate. I love it. So much better a start then the BMR.


I’ve met a lot of people who dropped out of high school got their g.e.d. in 6 weeks and got on with learning things that are useful in life. Getting experience doing whatever they wanted and the ability to float around til they found something they really liked usually a trade. By the time everyone else was graduating they already had a couple years experience and senority. Where I grew up very blue collar so these were the good jobs. County, road commission, any construction trade, heavy machine operator… any city county state job came with benefits and pension. Couldn’t beat it really. God knows where I screwed that up though :rofl::rofl::rofl:.


Not bad and the germ rates. Glad to see the grow going fairly smoothly, gonna be a fun ride…

I dropped out of school at 16, got my GED and went to work… around the age of 40 thou I was living in New Mexico and was needing to make a change in careers. On my way out to New Mexico from Florida I saw all these wind turbines and was thinking somebody must maintain these things… soon 2 years later needing to make that change I saw a commercial on TV for a college course on wind technology the college even had its own wind turbine. So I said hell with it and signed up. Got a associate degree in basically 1 year and graduated, got a job on a turbine field in Elk City, Oklahoma


Just love hearing the background stories with grows and possibly being a part of weed history being made.
I’ve been catching up on BOG and it’s pretty dam interesting and am coming to love bushy old guy, and the perp grow style

Side question… What is the wrap around your soil in the clear cup?
And do they go into solid colour cup when not taking a pic?
Best of luck Doug with this.