BOG Sweet and Sour Cindy preservation co-op run completed

No worries about them drowning, @HolyAngel can speak to that! Last I saw they had seeds soaking until there were cotyledon in the water :rofl:
Obviously not ideal, but just to put your mind at ease


Yeah legit cannot drown. You’ll just have seedlings sitting on the surface when you come back. Plant whole tiny little plants instead of half cracked seeds that may or may not continue popping.


Brother if I heard that from anybody else, I would have said they were full of shit… but now I’ve seen it with my own two eyes!


I shouldve taken more pics. I soaked seeds and then left for a two day vacation starting at 9am Wednesday. I just came back at 1pm today to 9 little plants sitting in the surface tension of my cup of water that was sitting on top of my light. Got 9 little plants going now. 5 in a small clone dome and 4 in the big tray I really need to clean out

I’m considering just doing this for all my seeds from now on. Just soak till I have plants to plant :joy: instead of planting as soon as the Taproot sticks out


Awsome result seed popping DD, a far cry from the BMR beans thank goodness, all the best for another epic grow mate​:green_heart::+1:


@Upstate here’s what I mix up! I leave it in a sealed mason jar and pour out what I need into the shot-glass when I pop seeds.

Please note that I ALWAYS sandpaper scuff my seeds, this would also allow for many micro-scratches which would aid in a bubble formation on the seed casing itself.

30ml 3% H202 + 475ml Distilled Water = Seed Starting Solution

Like Georgie they’ll all float if you use the above.

:rofl: :balloon: :clown_face:


6% of 3%. That is alot. Call it a 17:1 ratio… water to 3% peroxide. Sometimes it would be nice to know if duds/ dead seeds are purchased.


Confused stoner here.

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You described a 6% solution of 3% H2O2


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I’ve absolutely seen people use 10% solutions of 3%, so 6 is nothing crazy IME

I’m sorry folks I’m still confused and just want to make sure I was clear with my initial post:

@Upstate & @HeadyBearAdventures

I add 30ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 475ml of distilled water to make a total volume of 505ml of what I call “Seed Starting Solution”.

This was established by me based on reading various sources using different amounts of hydrogen peroxide to water for seed starting.

I’m over clarifying as I do not want to mislead anyone into doing something silly. I’m HORRIBLE at math and got immediately confused with what’s being said so I felt appropriate to paraphrase.

:man_shrugging: / :rofl:


We’ll trust your dilution, you trust our math. We’re all saying the same thing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
And if you want me to break it down mathematically, drop me a DM :bear:


Maybe?? Lol. Definitely high. I think 30 is 6% of 475…give or take. No? 6% x 17% is 102% So about 17:1 ratio? I’m currently too high. Oaxaca high.




It’s okay. I need to eat as it’s been a long day :clown_face:

I have NO IDEA. :rofl: :man_shrugging:

The only thing I can say for sure is that ever since I’ve done this I’ve had a near flawless streak for popping any seeds that are viable inside to grow.

Fridge seeds at least 1 day; scuff seeds in sandpaper box, toss in shotglass with the above mentioned solution, keep in dark at about 25c for 24-36 hours and near every time there’s a taproot sitting in a raft of bubbles on top of the solution. This in conjunction with JPS’s wormcastings method has resulted in me being a very happy grower.

This is what I did when working with the Jew Gold 1974 seeds. :ok_hand:


Lol. I don’t have a beaker. I’ll have to convert. When I’m not high.
@Pigeonman what’s the scoop with that 74 Jew Gold strain?



Sorry Doug.

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No need to be bud, I got no problem with the conversation that was going on. I didn’t drop that pic in here to interrupt, I just came across it so I dropped it in the thread. The 2 things are not related man. Never be worried about carrying on a conversation in my threads, especially about growing. I love to see it :v:


Super stoked to see more BOG seeds. I love the preservationists work you do.