🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

Nope but after looking it up i’m getting now :rofl: :pirate_flag:

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Awesome grow and journal. Late to the party, but im all caught up now. Thanks for sharing!

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Hell of a run, @Pigeonman . Great work on the bean-keeping, both the plants and the pup.
Always killing it here, and I always find a rabbit hole to dive into. Thanks for sharing
Stay up!


wonderful show :+1:
the alley of dudes is a very pretty sight !
thank you for doing this, @Pigeonman



Morning everyone!!! Yesterday was a long ass haul day as I was teaching workshop in analogue film editing right after work until 10pm… so my plant tending was delayed until I got home at 11pm so here I am now :rofl:

It was a fun workshop to be fair!

:rofl: :film_strip: :film_projector:

To add to the wtf factor of trying to wake up… this is what my yard looked like last night (few days old photo):


Is it pretty? Well, yes… very! But it’s still just a lot of frozen water I now have to move. I hate that! :man_facepalming:

Okay, so inside where it’s warm and not dumb like outside.

Things are progressing with the Dr. Seuss trees well and I’m finally seeing the seed sites flush out :blush: .

The males have only been watered during these past few weeks once they dumped that massive load all over the ladies faces glazing their green skin with a sheen of thick yellow.

As a result we can really see their fade kicking in!! :exploding_head:

In a group the comparison to the daily fed females and the just watered males is pretty obvious :rofl: :+1:


I gotta get off my ass and get on those snowy roads to dodge idiots and get to my paycheck but as a person always down to clown I still feel the need to remind y’all as we get further and further into the darker months:

Have as great of a Thursday as a Thursday will let you!!!

:v: :grin: :+1:


That sign warms my heart!


Hola @Pigeonman

That’s what I study at CDIS
in Vancouver Film and MultiMedia
1999 Diploma.



Dude. You would like the YMH podcast with Tom Segura and Christina P. They clown juggalos.


I just saw that you edit celluloid. That’s dope. I’m working on a documentary shot on 35mm, will be making a film print for 4 walling and festival exhibition. Are you using a Moviola standup or flatbed(Steenbeck/KEM) editors?


Very nice and congrats! Colorlab doing your post?

We actually have a 2020 custom made for the centre Steenbeck Combo unit (16mm, S16mm, 35mm + transfer options). It’s archival grade so long as folks don’t fuck it up to much lol.

Moviola stand-up = DEATHMACHINE = NO DICE.

We used to have 2x Intercine (Italian flatbeds) but they were fire-hazards after all the time-travel and usage.


I’ll do another pollen take tomorrow. I think this is the weekend the males are gonna get murdered because:

Have a great night folks!



I think :thinking: I see many many beans 🫘 a coming, that is looking :eyes: stupendous, really nice work. :facepunch::+1::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::v:


Man, you really have those Yogi dialed in. You got the females doing the downward dog, and everything.

It’s funny what you said about the Moviola standups. I always see cranky curmudgeon type dudes, using them.

The print will most likely be struck by COLORLAB, BB Optics in NYC or CPC in London.


This is the first seed to seeds grow I’ve followed from the start, and I’m blown away buy it Pigeon :+1:
Keep up the awesome work :seedling: OG this place!


Thanks @RoryBorealis ! This is a lot of fun and I’m hoping to have more seeds for all of us to know what to do with. I’d like to thank monosilic acid for the plants ability to downward dog so well without snapping :grin:

Yep. We call those toxic type “gatekeepers” as they usually “Know better” and refuse to learn about change let along change. :man_shrugging:

For anyone going “wtf are they talking aboot?”, this is the deathtrap we are referring too:

I have 3ft+ dreadlocks… the belts are exposed = HARD NO.

To be honest I’d consider working on one if someone converted it to steam power. :thinking:

Colourlab is amazing! Hand’s down my fav. lab in the states!

Thanks so much @LzBoy ! I learned A LOT of what you are seeing here from my fellow growmies here on OG! :blush:

Keep reading, posting, participating, ask questions, give answers, and keep growing all we’ll all make OG and the world a better place! (…cause seriously every day I go outside society is making it harder and harder to “people”…)



Oooooooch :grimacing: 🫨 🫤 :facepunch: :+1: :sunglasses: :santa: :christmas_tree::snowman: :v:

I hope you know I am only kidding, but it reminded me of my daughter getting her hair closed in the refrigerator a few years ago at a family event at her grandmas house :house: we all got a good laugh :joy::joy::joy:


Well here we are starting Week 5 of Flower!

Here’s single shots of all the males that have contributed their yellow spunk to our cause. I’m fucking sick and tired of dealing with them so they’re coming down tomorrow where I’ll be clipping all the flowers into a bin so I can collect all the pollen that’s accessible.

To be fair they are not sucking up much water anymore so they’re done with me too.

:rofl: :+1:

Here are the females which are gonna be loving their extra room once it’s down to just the 4 of them.

It’s been fun, so here is our final nostalgic “Busta Rhymes Wide Angle” group shot.

Have a wonderful night folks!!!

:v: :grin:


Home stretch babeeeee!


Nice job @Pigeonman, thanks for sharing your grow, I’ve enjoyed following along my friend.:peace_symbol: