🕉 Bohdi Seeds Yogi Preservation Co-op Run (Sign up closed) (F2 to F3, Open-Pollenation)

The deed is done and the males have been culled and milked of their seed.

I cut all the branches into one bucket, then took each out and carefully removed as much pollen into the second bucket by hand, and then put the “spent” branch into a third bucket.

In the end there was a bucket filled with flowers and gold-dust needing some sorting.

Bit by bit the mess went through a colander onto a tray to remove the bulk of green material. This was then put into my pollen shaker (icing duster) and gently sifted again on to aluminum foil to remove all the remaining green material.

Then I tared the scale with the now empty pollen shaker so I can see what we have got out of all this work.

And while it’s no @DougDawson pull, we do have a lot of gold dust now drying for anyone that wants some!!

42 grams before drying out to be exact.

I just need to figure out how to distribute it once it’s safe for letter mail… :thinking:

The dust was sifted again onto foil inside a tin box with 4x desiccant packs labelled and set aside to do the thing.

I then grabbed a bucket of water and a small kitchen towel and went to town in the tent to address the initial mess so I can rearrange the females without pollen and male flower petals ever where.

Now that the males have fucked off the ladies have plenty of room to get their badonkabonk’s goin’.

The kiddie pool area was a pollen mess so it all got a major spray down with water from my hand-pump sprayer to keep from getting airborne and to deactivate it. I’ll clean up better tomorrow as I’m done for the night.

All the best folks, hoping you’re all having a great:

:v: :grin:


Wow killer job @Pigeonman !! Everything’s looking amazing :star_struck:


Great job @pigeonman.


yes great job!! the first pic got me good man :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Beautiful work brother!!!



So cool. I really need to up my game!
How much longer you recon on the ladies?
Thanks again for sharing this. You Rock


@Granola , @DougDawson , @m0sirys, @punk77 & @SunGrown thank you most kindly!


It’s My week 5 of flower, so that means 6 weeks at 12/12 (1st 7 days I count as transitioning days).

Yogi should be around 49-71 days based on the parents so I assume I’ll see the plants ready to crom at the my week 9/10 of flower.

I’m doing these as a 7 weeks of solid feed, and then 1 week of Florakleen so they’re force-fed to eat what’s left in the root-mass (“soil”) + themselves, then only water from then on to crop.

The crop’s gonna be easy by comparison. Cut branches to managable sizes, put in drying tent on “stupid high” with the humidifier off.

In a weeks time I’ll have flowers so dry they’ll crumble in my hands and cyclone seporate easy as fuck and then it’s the annoying parts: viable/dead or weird sorting and then bubblehash from the cyclone removed plant material.



You are truly crushing it bro :sunglasses::+1::facepunch::v:


I’ve been smoking a joint quietly watching from the corner… killer preservation run! Beautiful grow and so well done.


Well holy shit these ladies are blowing my mind as the seeds developing make the flowers look like shining green pine-cones!

Up close they are unbelievable.

Tonight they’ll get coconut water, aloe puree and smooth jazz.

Do your best to punch Monday in the face y’all!



Wow, looking beautiful @Pigeonman I will be very excited to run these babies and I have a pack of the yogi F2’s as well so I will be able to find a mom or a dad to use in some chucking hopefully!


Thanks @Weednerd.Anthony ! You’re gonna have a fun time with those for sure! The entire basement has a sweet citrus smell now as these ladies take over.

I’m planing on divvying up the pollen I collected into 150 dime-bags to go along with the seeds as kind of a “Make your own F3 BX1” kit.



So you are going to give them a coconut :coconut: purée smoothie! :+1::joy::+1::joy::clap::joy::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::tada::v:



They look great, you really knocked this one out of the park!!


So many trichomes even at the end of the leaves.


Was thinking the same!


Looking great! Been a pleasure watching this one for sure!

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Just read through this - not sure how I missed it until now.

Absolutely phenomenal grow.

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Thank you most kindly @OhNo555 , @Hemlock , @CocoaCoir , @HeadyBearAdventures , @invisible & @Vesti !


Here’s tonight’s update on the lades :wink:

Check out these stacks!!!


Have a most wonderful night!!!

:v: :grin:


They almost look :eyes: like lady marijuana people! :facepunch::+1::wink::sunglasses::v: