Bonsai tools wanted

Looking to make a trade or something for some bonsai tools, pliers, knob cutters, trimmers, etc. Have some good packs I won’t get too. Dm me as well as lmk here, I have been getting into bonsai for the past few years. And now have come to realize I need the correct tools. Would also trade for bonsai pots.



@HumblePie420 you have any extra tools bud? Read you have been practicing bonsai for a while.

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I got a bonsai kit on Amazon for 20$ it came with seeds and a little tool kit. All the seeds failed lol if I didn’t just leave for work I could have sent them to ya lol.
I yanked a tiny maple out of the ground last year to try an bonsai lol I’m thinking I should just buy a proper bonsai already sprouted

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That would be appreciated kindly

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Do you know what they are by any chance?

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Are you in a rush for them? I won’t get back for 3 weeks.

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Nope not at all

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Give me a sec, I will check my Amazon purchases and see if I can find what all came in it

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Awesome I really appreciate this. Thank you

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Np. It’s not in my past purchases anymore but it is just a little pouch with shears, tiny scissors, a brush and something else I can’t remember. I can send pics when I get back to make sure it’s what you want. Send me a message in 21 days to remind me though. I seam to forget things past a week lol

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Sounds good thanks!

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Still looking to trade for any tools.!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ :wrench:

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Looking to trade a pack for something like this.

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A lil bonsai grand daddy purple I played with lol🤣 thing was only like a foot tall


I’m out of likes… But wanted to say… Beautiful, and beautiful starecase

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Why thank you :blush:

Bump. Plus some beans

Bump plus some beans

Hey there bud I recieved your mail thank you,… ps people I need bonsai tools!!! Lmk if you have any you would trade for beanage. Dm me drop a tag. I’m looking for pots as well. Specifically bonsai pots, not looking for the plastic kind. Stay kind


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