In Search Of Autos

Hey all,

I’m about to embark on a breeding project, hopefully one you’ll all benefit from if it goes off as planned. I now have room to pop about 100 seeds to start culling and for those first round I don’t want to use my more expensive/precious seeds. If you have anything with solid genetics in excess please shoot me a message.

Ethos, Dutch Passion, Night Owl, Mephisto, Fast Buds, Gnome, Delicious, HSC, Barney’s, and some I’m forgetting are all of interest as are any crosses with a good base genetics.

I have a little I can trade, cash, or I can make you a cool wooden tray or resin grinder (I’m
An artist/woodworker) if you have a bunch of seeds and would be interested in that.

Many thanks!


Its cool automatic.
Spend some $$$
i liked the anesia seeds autos than I see yesterday.
i ll buy when I can.


Anesia has some interesting stuff, I’ll get around to them eventually!

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So will he when he convinces some people to send him some.


You looking for regs or fem autos?


Both, and no preference really. Thanks!

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I’m about halfway there, still on the hunt. Let me know if you have any autos you’re willing to part with! Thanks!

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These aren’t trays, but are a work in progress for an art piece I’m working on. However, these could easily be trays in a variety of shapes and colors. If anyone would like a tray in exchange for seeds hit me up! Or for other seeds… :hugs:

@firehead let me know what you think of the look of the wood on this. Any favorite colors or shapes? Organic, rectangular, etc.


The grinder I made for myself, almost infinite color and design possibilities. And another chunk of something I was using for a tray that could easily be made.

If anyone has some really top notch photos beans I’d consider those as I’ll likely jump into photos in a couple grows.


Here’s my WIP 70 site seedling and clone station, there will be at least 4 other smaller sites. One with 35 and at least 3 more that will likely hold 4-10.


Anyone wanting a pretty grinder or rolling or sorting tray for seeds? :smiley:

2 Likes have plenty of autos.

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Have you got a 3D printer to make those grinders?

No, they’re silicone molds and the result is a solid acrylic grinder. Let me know if you’re interested. Would be easy enough for me to modify one to grind into a mason jar or wooden container as well.

Awesome work mate, thanks for the offer, very kind, but shipping to NZ is crazy😕

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Very cool work sir the wood is beautiful hope you find what your searching for have a great day


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@cannabliss Many thanks! Had some leftover resin from a project and made these to see how leaves would preserve. Still need to be finished

Still in search of autos!


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