BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Wish I could alter the first post, I’d gladly put this up there :wink: thank you :pray:t3:


Yessss! That’s so epic! Could put a little orange puck in there or even just a dime bag ziploc etc. I bet useful is getting a kick out of this too knowing him


One could make tiny labels and insert them with seed puck into small (tiny) zip lock

That tiny bag ofOranges costs 4 50 US it is from a doll house furniture set


Yikes! Of course it is :man_facepalming:t2: that could get a bit costly


Would be very cool

Definitely agree! (Out of likes)

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@DougDawson do fems still qualify for co-op runs? Not sure if my info is correct but I figured you would definitely know the restrictions etc.,


I think you are allowed with this since it was only released as a feminized line. I could be wrong


As a general rule, no, but exceptions have been made under certain circumstances. It’s really evaluated on a case by case basis.


sorry - late to conversation/project, but the name “Useful” caught my attention.

on RIU, there was an excellent breeding thread authored by “Schwaggy P” who used to release his seeds under Useful’s banner. now i believe he is under “Bad Dog”.

i wasn’t aware that Useful had passed. my condolences and respects.
this seems an honorable project.


I actually met Schwaggy P through Useful many years ago. Schwaggy is one of my favourite breeders in fact. He is strictly on GLG now, in fact this last drop was the first in memory that didn’t sell out like the day or day after drop. If you like the dankest of dank he’s your man! When Useful passed it was kind of a shock to everyone, even those close to him, but if you knew him you know he’s not the type to want pity or to even ruin peoples day so I’d expect very very few knew he was any more than just sick …. Thank you :pray:t3: just trying to play my role in getting one of his prized possessions out there to the people as he was always kind, full of knowledge and so generous


Orange Tulle netting , heat sealer and orange tread , get your craft game on : )


the only stanky strain that popped up a few times in abuelas research was chem d. never grown, never smoked, so have no clue. the fact those stanky strains have a cult following is intriguing though. maybe one day i’ll get around to those.

schwaggy’s thread was all about the chems and skunks. he had a lot of fans. his breeding thread was amazing. i learned so much from it and am looking forward to trying some of the techniques. the concept of “polyandric breeding” was a mind blow. very cool.

i’m obviously newer to this whole scene so don’t really know anyone, but will give respect where it is due. the seed makers and breeders that kept growing despite the laws and threats and paved the way for the rest of us are due the respect.


Lookin’ good in there bro’!!!


@Til_Valhalla just to clarify bad dawg is not schwaggy. Bad dawg is glg house brand


Dam they look very happy :laughing: now and rolling along, great looking grow!

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i know they are all separate entities. schwaggys thread was written circa 2018-19 so much has changed since then - with people and who he was releasing his seeds under. now it appears he is just doing it on his own under his own label now.


This all looks very interesting. I just stumbled across Useful’s BOO a few weeks ago while looking for some strong orange terps - a little too late it seems. But I’ll be following this thread.

Are you planning on cloning these before flip? For most of my grows, the plant that is my clear favorite during the run gets bumped out of the leaderboard the last few weeks of flower or even only once they’re all dried and cured.