BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

This one has a very unique OG structure and the three bladed (typical OG) leaf patterns as well, also absolutely danks like some crazy skunky fruit, it’s crazy


Upskirt shot to show my lollipop style and how it opens up the base for airflow, watering etc. and eliminates larf and lower light starved branches that are always a nuisance and can cause unwanted nanners even in the most stable of plants.


Wow, check out the saw blades on that one!


This one has intrigued me from almost day 1, she topped herself immediately in seedling stage and ended up with three equal tops, more squat and tight than the rest as well. All in all I have 5 unique plants I’ve really been watching. And two that the stem rubs are just potent af! Like nose twitching, eye watering funk! Skunky citrus goodness and one is just skunk/with a pine Sol backend that lingers on my gloves forever! No joke the gloves were still sitting on the garbage bag this morning, and as soon as I picked them up to toss it instantly hit me again…. It’s intoxicating :drooling_face:


Ya , she’s super unique! I’ve really got my eye on her :eyes:


You gonna spray a few and just let the pollen fly?
Try an increase the genetic diversity? :thinking:

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Yezzir, hopefully it works out and I don’t have to try and extract pollen from sacs…. But I’m ready for whatever comes. The hard part is choosing which to spray tbch :thinking:


Half of em! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I really like the lollipopping on your plants I’m always scared as f*** to do this though might have to check it out on the ones I’m going to be putting into flower in a couple weeks all your s*** looks so good!


Do you lollipop all strains? Or is that strain dependent? …Or maybe depending on how many plants you’ve got room for in the tent? I would think that forces them to grow taller, but allows for more plants in the tent.(?)

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Thanks bro, I’ve been doing the lollipop for 20 years to some extent although it’s gotten higher and higher as the years pass, I like to Veg longer than most, and usually flip a lot bigger than most do too, so that bottom 2ft is just an absolute waste, even another foot up could go but we’ll see after stretch how big they get. I topped a couple but I’m looking to see how they express au naturale so I’m trying to just let ‘em go so I can have a true look at the phenotypical diversity. Really hoping for a couple keepers to pass around as well. My defoliation techniques have truly stepped up the last 6-7 years though as I used to just do inward facing fans and big leaves blocking large sites I couldn’t just tuck, but I went to the extreme as an experiment about 7 years back and was sold, now I defoliate 3-4 times during the cycle and it seems to work great for my style and timelines . I’ve yet to come across a plant that hated it as well, most thrive a day or two after and just kick into overdrive with node production


I pretty much lollipop everything, I don’t do much if any sativa stuff the last 10 years so I’m not sure if I’d switch it up somewhat as I start growing more sativas and full on polys. I honestly don’t think it forces much upward growth, more so just forces them to focus on the sights that matter. (To me) and it gives that airflow down low for my fans I place below for air movement. Honestly if you are growing squat plants like bubba/Irene and intend to flip at a short height not much lower removal is absolutely necessary, but I’ll still strip a node or two down low for airflow and makes my hand watering much easier as well



Don’t know how I missed this thread !! But I’m taking a seat :scream:


Welcome @Swe-can glad to have you my friend :facepunch:t2:


I lollipop mine also and when they are bigger you can take a fan and blow those little gnat fucks outta town. I have had the most success just doing this :rofl: :wind_face: :wind_face:


Yes, this too! It gives no lower (not optimal health ) branches for the insects to zero in on and take hold. Even with thrips it’s definitely beneficial as well as that’s where they like to hide/congregate and if you give foliars as well it truly makes them have a hard time as they hate wet, and have a harder time getting around with the air current down there. Especially the adults that fly/leap etc.


Well I think I’ll have to chop the s*** out of that Holy Grail this weekend I’m hoping the grandpa stash finishes up by this coming Monday and I can take it down so I can throw the Holy Grail in there by Wednesday at the latest she’s a beast won’t stop growing.


I can’t wait for that one, hope u got a clone or 8 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: if it’s true holy grail ish, and fire we may have to swap some cuts in the future. :wink: @DrEvill


I can’t believe I didn’t see this. Well I’m correcting that right now!

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What’s the potency like on the BOO?

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