BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

They just keep getting nicer and nicer looking :yum:


Gonna be a hellova orgy.


I can see pods starting to split and open, let’s go plant splooge! Time for an epic explosion of dust :crossed_fingers:t3:


Man this is a preservation run that really has me peaked. I’ve been outa action for a minute. I’m so glad to see this coming together. I’ve grown some of Useful’s stuff and was really impressed. I have a pack of Useful’s Black Lime Special Reserve F4.

If we get someone who has the space and knowledge to make it happen then I wouldn’t mind everyone being able to have a pack or 2. Hell, I wouldn’t mind having 100 seeds to pick a couple different males and females to further along. i know I’m blessed to have this and any of Gene’s work. I got those and they came with a prerelease pack of Copa’s Icy Grape’s (sealed) from DCSE when he popped off. if anyone has heard of Copa? Anyways, great work. glad to see yall. Anyone wants to chat pm me.

I also have CSI Calio fems from years past sealed I was gonna look at crossing. :wink:


Nice! He had so many gems but truly was kind of slept on other than the die hards or gene trader/hoarders. Although his last 5-6 years he had really started to become extremely popular again. I’m glad to see you back bro, hope everything is going well, I recall your struggles and in fact have been there myself as well as many others I know. The Black Lime Reserve is a definite favourite of mine too! And I tried so hard to get an original pack to no avail, that and the Louis xiii have been two I’ve been obsessed with for well over ten years! True gems for sure. I’m sure someone would be willing to run those, how could they not? Gems bro, GEMS! Keep your head up and truly glad to see you around more again ! Respect :facepunch:t2: @Baltimore


You talking about this one? Does the F5 mean fifth generation ?


Yes it does. Depending on how you use it but yes. Like I used a Blueberry f4 male to hit a Goji OG F3 female which would result in say Blue Goji F1. I believe. Lol. Here’s the packs though.


Thanks for the information and the brief explanation and the history. I just found a “COPA” 🪡 on OG and can now pursue it further! :wink::santa::christmas_tree::snowman::sunglasses::facepunch::+1::sunglasses:


that’s what it’s all about. i love seeing everyone connected and furthering our passion by bringing everyone in and helping to bridge the learning gap I had. I’m glad you found a solid hobby and a great site. hmu anytime. I’ll be around. from what I hear Copa breeds fire. everyone used to say. hey J use the search feature. lol. :rofl:


I’m curious what’s in those Bodhi packs @Baltimore


Man I am rate down the road from you Bowie, MD


Hollyweed, Heavenly Hash plant, Lemon Afghani, a d Celestial Citron there. That’s just a random binder that got outta order. Bad. Hehe! I need to get everything stored properly for strains that may need to be preserved before the shelf life. I F with Bodhi.


Bay Sox. Yessir. I live east Baltimore zone 5. I had a couple guys who said they were going to stop by and bring some clones for me like the guy PJ from LED seeds.

Some reason he didn’t want to come up here. I guess he thought something bad might happen to him but I’m a really down to earth guy who’s lived in this environment my whole life.

I’m a people’s person I would never have anybody get hurt especially over weed that’s medicine for us all. I keep heaters for smokers. Id protect my friends with my life though. I dunno. All good.


Dawg I am from the hood bro :sunglasses:, Washington, DC, area as they don’t call it Dodge City because it’s friendly! :joy::joy::joy: :sunglasses::v:


Yes, but the way it’s written it’s not an F5 pack. (Just the father is an F5). The actual pack would be a hybrid.


heckkk yeahhhh! :fire: :fire: :fire:


Makes sense. Nice catch.


TopShelfTrees1 - Great work on this reproduction of BOO from Useful ! I just recently joined OG and just got caught up on this thread. I ran some of his BOO before he passed on. Short veg time on both. I got mostly the “darker” pheno that faded beautifully during flowering and had the earthy citrus terps. Only got one pheno whose leaves stayed green during flower and she was the one with the strongest citrus/orange terps mixed with earthy goodness.

LST on the this one :
BOO fade at 7 weeks

This one that stayed green had been topped once :
BOO no fade


Very nice @Doober thanks for popping in and sharing your experience, and welcome to the last forum you’ll EVER NEED TO FIND! The best place around without question. I find those purple and black phenos really do finish up quick, she is a fast girl mostly that’s why I’m hoping we get the “splooge” asap :crossed_fingers:t3:


@TopShelfTrees1 Hey, great to see this going!