BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

In the last 15 months I lost 2 people I loved very much. One a suicide with associated mental health. The other from cancer in hospice. Young men. During that time I had back surgery and my own mental health issues.
I was never used either as an excuse not to meet obligations to others. I killed some stuff I couldn’t keep up on, but I didn’t steal from anyone.
It was mentioned there may be drugs involved other than weed. I’m an addict. I struggle with opiates. I struggle with pain too. TST of course identified with me. “Oh bro…anything I can do. I’d fly there and be with you while you detox if I wasn’t broke. I’ve struggled with opiates too.”
That he has had drug problems might be one of his few honest statements.
Someone mentioned TST’s fishing stuff. That’s a whole notha scam he pulled, getting tons of free high end fishing gear. He was “sponsored”. Fishermen are notorious liars, so it’s a perfect fit for TST.


Oh wow, I have gave him 400+ orange pucks just for BOO, with the stickers to seal the pucks up also designed by @Soiltech.


@JustANobody I feel like an asshole for believing dude at face value. I had no idea he had taken so much from so many, cash and prizes.


Thank you.


No dibs in this thread, please. Keep this on-point and clean.


Man, I defended him in the beginning too but once I realized the situation stunk I stopped. He had the wool pulled over a lot of people’s eyes.


You got it!

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IHey @PatHealy . I wondered where you went. What TST did affected people who never dealt with him at all. His BS has caused people to leave, like you.


I just happened to search on Overgrow without logging in to see what happened with these, because I had a feeling he wouldn’t get them or the UGORG beans out and saw all of this. UGORG are some tough ones for me to get it seems. Haha. Did he have logs of quality finished runs that people have seen? Because his veg wasn’t great if I remember correctly.


in 20k+ posts in his own threads, there’s barely any plant pics at all :see_no_evil:


He pretty much logged this grow to the end. The flower pics looked good, assuming they were his. You can check around early January above.


Biggest yellow flag for users here. And an account full of “thank-you for sending me seeds” posts makes it orange.


yeah no doubt, looks like they were done at the end of January


At least he could actually grow. I wasn’t even sure of that by the time I was done with him and the stories.


Yeah, ginormous chat threads, sitting in the free seeds thread, and constant posts like that, are people I steer clear from. Too much hype.


I know you did, brother. I also saw how many others were contributing, and it felt good to chip in for a worthwhile cause. That’s GOOD on all of us – even if it comes at the expense of those lost sunk costs.

Easier said than done, perhaps, but don’t let it shake your faith in mankind. We are all in this together, good, bad, or indifferent. We live and learn, and move on.

puff puff pass…


There was a thing explained to me in much better terms, but you can’t let someone take your kindness/faith in others from you. For example, if I put free fruit at the end of my driveway during harvest time and one person keeps taking it all even though it says not to, I still should keep putting the fruit out or I’m allowing one person to rob me of the ability to share kindness with others. It’s just something that will happen, but if we shutdown to protect ourselves after one bad actor, we lose a more important part of ourselves. This was explained in such a more elegantly worded way to me. I’m a little embarrassed at my own attempt, but hey.


Please someone tally up all the cash “stolen” maybe we can find a way together to make it right for OGs sake. All I can say is wow…this was much more severe than it looked on the surface. I’m sorry this happened to all of you :pensive:


That’s beautiful and so TRUE!

(I missed finding the nuggets of wisdom you’ve shared here, @PatHealy. …Good to see you back.)