BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

This is where it will be left then.


works for me. Have a nice day.


I don’t believe he had good intentions that got out of hand anymore @Northern_Loki . This appears a calculated move to rip folks off here, yet be the good guy on another forum. He wanted to be “The guy with all the elite cuts.”"


That was entirely sarcasm. And, there was a con in play no matter how it’s couched. There have been a couple of individuals that have been successful with that.


Such a bummer! I sent dude a grip of Snow Lotus. I didn’t ask for anything in return. Just hope he’s not trying to turn a profit with them. Ive ran into a few people on here that begged me for beans of it, just to try to immediately sell/breed with them for profit. Lots of great folks on OG, but always sad to see when theres a turd in the punchbowl.


TST sent me seeds for something I sent him. I’m skeptical they are what he said they were.


depends if your thirsty or wanna get revenge

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Wow. I look like a straight up asshole right now.


Why’s that?


I feel like I’m in a therapy session right now.

“Hi, my name is Coda and I was taken by TopShelfTrees.”

Sorry @Northern_Loki It feels real good to get this out in the open.


Wait. …

So this whole thing turned out to be a scam?? :open_mouth:

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Seems like it, along with a bunch of other stuff.


This dude set off my bullshit meter quickly and I was turned off by how he seemed to have a following and people backed him up. He was wrong about things he shouldn’t have been wrong about for such a long time grower and the sob stories just became too obvious. I sent beans to him. Offered him a really nice light too, but thank goodness I think I said he would have to cover shipping. I’m too familiar with mental health issues and addiction. I can’t speak on any addiction issues, but he definitely has mental health issues. Hey, many of us do, so I’m not knocking anyone for their mental health issues, but try not to hurt others when you’re hurting. But, the old saying and all, hurt people, hurt people. Now how do I buy some Ill Eagle seeds, because I’ve felt like garbage since I got PM and didn’t finish his testers? Anyways, back to TST, he was a big reason I left this place. Too much nonsense. Sorry to all who really wanted to check out BOO. I wish I would’ve been quicker to call his bullshit.


Not at all. There’s nothing wrong with showing compassion for and trust in our fellows.

I’m sorry to hear that so many of us were taken in by his pleas, but ~almost~ equally sorry for how miserable he must be to take advantage of us.

I sent him a pack of seeds, and – for the BOO preservation run – envelopes and custom-printed cards featuring the “brand” designed by @Soiltech

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 9.29.37 AM

…with “Overgrow The World With Love” on the back. All in, about $170 worth of stuff he’ll be hard pressed to use. (I suppose he can use the envelopes. But the cards???)


My name is Smooth and Im a TSTaholic. I too fell for the BS. Luckily my loss is small compared to others. He seemed to have much prestige here on OG. He was on Chapter 4 or 5 it seems. I felt the scam earlier on but knew I would be the “badguy” if brought out publically. Just as Jet got the hate mail. He took advantage of many here. Some will speak up…. some will be hush mouthed.


Those little pucks you made are cool!! Sad to see they won’t be spread all over.


That’s exactly what this is for, getting some of these things out in the open.

Has more to due with the pattern around past private transactions, the recent public calls for donations, and his coincident disappearance.


Bummer. I sent him a small amount of cash as well in IM. Nothing I couldn’t afford to lose, but always a bummer to see it not going towards the cause like I thought it would.

Oh well, I’m sure he’s worse off than most of us that fell for his scam.

At least we had good intentions.

I too will pass the doobie around this circle, but I’ll pass it over TST if he ever crawls out of the gutter.

Og is a great place and unfortunately the high percentage of positive interactions I’ve had on here occasionally lead me to let my guard down, but such is life and I prefer to expect the best until proven otherwise.


I sent around $50 cash. For postage. Orange terps were too tempting for me. My only dealings with TST.


Hey I’m glad to see you pop back in. I was literally just checking your profile the other day to see if you’d been around.