BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Also, everyone should realize the people who consistently do these seed runs for all of the folks who love getting beans, put in some real work. Shucking, sorting, packaging, costs, and so on. Hook those people up with the sweet packs of seeds everyone wants or free cuts. It seems like a lot of work. The @DougDawson dude must stay crazy busy with the amount he seemed to be doing when I was on.


I don’t want to keep beating a dead horse, but this was my first impression of TST:

People with Narcissistic Personality disorder can:

  • Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
  • Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
  • Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
  • Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
  • Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
  • Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
  • Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
  • Take advantage of others to get what they want.
  • Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
  • Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
  • Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.
  • Insist on having the best of everything — for instance, the best car or office.

For years now I’ve been wondering are we overusing and too casually throwing around NPD diagnoses or have we really created that many individuals with NPD?


I don’t think TST was a scammer. I think he was over ambitious and got in way over his head.


Probably a little of both. He also seemed to have a way of gaining people’s trust (manipulation) before the hammer fell which is typically not characteristic of NPD, but he was conscious of what he was doing.

He’s apparently done this before…


I disagree. The sheer number of people he took advantage of shows that he was aware of his actions.


This is very disheartening for me to read. I always assumed he was an outstanding member of this community. I know I’m a nobody here and have little experience in these matters but this hurts me as well. I put a lot of trust into this community because it is honestly the best online group I’ve ever been a part of.

When I returned to OG I raved about how I wanted to get my hands on all the BOG genetics I could. I still do, that is indeed a goal of mine. I stopped saying it as much because I realized I may be mistaken for someone who is here just for the beans. But it’s not why I’m here. It’s things like this that are making me loose my faith in humanity. I’ve slowly been learning over the years it doesn’t pay to be a good person. I’m constantly reminded that good people get taken advantage of and assholes always come out on top somehow.

Although I don’t have it in me to be a bad guy, I’ve learned it’s better to let strangers think I am. Keeps me safe.


FWIW I also sent some money to help with shipping these seeds. Who can say no to orange? Does not feel good to be scammed of course but I hope nobody gave more than they could afford to lose.

I give this thread a few hours max before it’s closed.


Hey, when I’d chatted with him it would make me feel like I might have NPD. Why the hell am I sharing old ass stories about my life and what I’ve done on the internet? Was I trying to impress random people? Was I just bored/lonely? Am I just a douche? It certainly made me do some self-reflection. Haha.


I don’t think the evidence speaks to that with how many parties are involved. He knew he didn’t have 8 arms and 20 lights.


Big lesson is don’t give people unearned respect/credibility.


Why go through all the effort to post all these pics and such? All for some pucks, seeds and a few cuts? And we aren’t talking about a lot of money here. Even if it all adds up to like $1500, bfd in the grand scheme of life. My bullshit meter never went off with this guy. I think he just bite off way more than he could chew. I don’t know that many scammers dm their addy and phone number out to a bunch of people. Doesn’t seem wise. I think he comes back and redeems himself.


So just because I’m a sponsor and organized a group buy… I’m at fault and need to make it right because of someone else’s actions? I did everything I said I would. I’m in the same boat as everyone else, fleeced.

And you think I’m not innocent because I stood up for someone, thinking it was mental health. Wow…

I’m talking with Scally and trying to get this situated. That’s the best I’m able to do.

How kind of you to put my name through the mud on your accusations

I want to know if ANYONE has anything bad to say about me…

What have I done to anyone? What promise have I not followed through on, or people not getting what I said I would do.


If $1500 isn’t a big deal, then you would have no issues paying all the people back for @TopShelfTrees1?


That’s great @Coda . I just felt violated when I was told. It’s been a long time since I saw a scam so elaborate, involving so many. Some saw it for what it was a long time ago. Jedtro. But a lot of really sharp folks got snookered here. Doesn’t change it but yeah. “My name is :crown: :poodle:. and …”


$1500 isn’t a lot of money is my point. The juice of the scam ain’t worth the squeeze. Pun intended. If that was the goal break down the hours spent vs return and it likely doesn’t even sniff at minimum wage!


I think you are both very valuable members of this community and I hate to see you going at it like this. TST played on people’s empathy and sympathy. I think when all the dust settles, the casualty count is going to be high.


That’s so silly.

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Then you would have no problem paying people back that gave him money. $1500 isn’t a lot as you say. It’s always curious when people are flippant about other people’s money being taken.