BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Go burn a bowl of your Coastal Blueberry and calm down man. This ain’t a 3 am deal up on Titlow Hill. It’s an internet pool. You had to know the risk. It didn’t work out obviously. Not a reason to lose faith in all OG though. This site and it’s members accomplish amazing things.


E.O.D. had me chuckling.


I sent him $100 in February to help with the BOO. He said he was going to finish shucking them that week and send them out. Needless to say you know the rest of the story.

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We do not have a full accounting but, unfortunately, it exceeds this amount.

One can be hopeful although the backlog has become significant.

It very well could be the case, not intentionally from his viewpoint.

Just never got around to completing his end of the transactions, something something, wash hands, and then move onto fulfilling his other needs. These weren’t isolated incidents.

TST did have time to respond to our queries. We would have preferred that to have occurred. It did not.


How did I rep TST?

I organized a group buy. Asked anyone who was interested in Jan, then once clone orders were open, I msged all who were interested. TST said he would mother them out. He had good standing at OG, why wouldn’t I have trusted that. I never represented or vouched for him

I handled my end of what I said I would do. Organize it. What else have I not done that I said I would… I wasn’t the one who said I’d mother them out and get them to people. Not a promise or obligation I made.

I’m in the same boat as everyone else. Why am I at fault and have to pay for someone else actions.


How do you call it if someone take your money and is ghosting the whole community?

His reasons i don t care, the money is gone.

I sent him the half pack from UGORG disco biscuit to do a seed increase.


I read the SHSC-1 thread. I enjoy it. Glad you have contributed here. I want you to continue.


That s karma if it is true.

After doing a trade with TST, I thought he was solid and then sent him ~$30 for shipping supplies for this repro…

Definitely questioning the seeds he sent me now…


@ChinookKing looking at the amount of money lost


When I joined OG, not long ago, I found Tops thread and enjoyed the company there. There were some solid folks to talk with.

To keep it short;

Another highly respected member here was having car problems and TopShelf suggested maybe having an OG auction to help him get his car back on the road. I sent him a message offering to donate some very coveted seeds to auction off for the repairs of the vehicle. He said he was interested and I let him know I will save them and send them when the auction starts. Did he not accept them because I wouldn’t send to him? i may never know.

Nonetheless, my first experience was in his thread where I enjoyed my time. As things developed I got the idea the sinking feeling tht “this is how OG is?”. I sent another member a message and he gave me some great advice. He said “take a week off then decide. don’t be to hasty”. And that’s kinda where i am.

As a new user… kinda a shit first experience, but I still feel like this is an awesome place and I want to stay around. It’s a shit deal for all ya guys and I know my experience sounds petty in comparison. I just wanted to give you the perspective of a new person.

much love all :v:


Damnnn. I’ve wanted some Disco Biscuits and a few other UGORGs for a while now. Sorry to hear he got you for those. Especially if you’re from overseas. They’re passionate about their UGORG beans over there. Haha

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I never vouched for him. You msged because of being concerned if we were on track because of his absence.

I told you I was still in communication with him through text. So from my point of view at the time, I thought it was mental health he wasn’t on the site. And from my point of view at the time we were still on track.

I didn’t couch for him, don’t put words in my mouth or manipulate the situation.

Well then go ask the person who isn’t following through on their obligations.

I told you I’m talking with Scally to try and get this situated. That’s the best I’m able to do. He said he has us 1000%, so you will get something, probably not the 12 cuts from the group buy, but he will help us. Your ignoring that and just want money back, I don’t have.

I don’t have money to give you, as I never pocketed anything from this, and am going through money issues currently because of taking care of my sick parents and my work accident.

Seems you don’t give a fuck and only care about yourself as well. You and yours, what you are owed.

I know this situation is going to make a lot of people leave. I’m in the same boat but I’ll sort the situation to the best of my ability but sorry you won’t be getting any money from me, go ask TST


Agreed, @OhNo555. If I compare how much I’ve invested in OG in the past year vs. what I would have spent on seeds buying retail, there’s no contest. And a lot of these fire strains can’t be bought.


Super disappointing to hear of this, I was surely one of those that was enticed by UGORG and BOO beans, and had sent him funds to help spread out the genetics as they are grails of mine, but also in hopes that others would reproduce and do seed increases of them for the greater good as well as my own hopes of getting to grow them. On top of that I am one of those affected by the fated group buy as well as having sent him the last beans of my Blackberry Kush for a supposed increase.

This will not turn me off OG, but really sad to see that someone has been able to sully the name of this wonderful place to others, and project the forum in a negative light. This place is a place of sharing, compassion, and friendship! Wishing Topshelftrees nothing but bad karma :slight_smile:


I’m calm fellas
But what is right is right.
Wizdom organized this, wizdom took our money.
When I raised my concerns in private mesage a week or so ago I was told to stay the course , clones would begin delivery this fall. He has been talking to topshelf as he was able to provide updates on the clones. Fair… I appreciated my mind being put at ease.
But then I wake up to this thread and I realize all is not well and that I too can count myself amongst those getting scammed here.
You all think I am enjoying this… putting the irons to someone here over 120 bucks??
It’s the goddamn principle… if you vouch for someone, it’s on you.
That IS the way the world works.
I want my funds returned and that is the bottom line. I didn’t send the funds to topshelf and have never even conversed with him over this. The face of the deal was Wizdom, the collector of funds was Wizdom… so give me back my money and YOU get it from topshelf.
Seems pretty simple to me




It’s over $1500,not $30.
Kind of weird you keep trying to minimize this. Did you benefit from his scam or something?


I got an ugly vibe from the constant talk of mental health issues too. I have plenty myself, and wouldn’t want to wrongly attack someone else if they’re really hurting… but the fact that he was always telling people how much it helped his mental health issues while in the process of thanking them for giving him free stuff rubbed me the wrong way. I didn’t say anything, because what can you say? Until and unless it’s proven to be true, you just look like the bad guy yourself. :man_shrugging:

Oh, and bump:

I can’t commit to anything myself, but lots of people were interested in this one, seems a shame to just let it go.


I’d really hoped this wasn’t the case but it seems like this pattern has been going on years. When I first joined this site in late '21 it was when I encountered tst and we ended up talking over pink kush and some other gear and it spun into a long conversation. Eventually to mental health (what I now perceive as a sob story). We spoke all the time for a little bit. Eventually exchanged numbers and texted. At the time covid iaolation, having a new baby etc I was lonely and excited to have connected over a passion for weed. Eventually we exchanged seeds from a purchase and split packs of tony greens RIL and Gunit. He sent me me the gunit which I now suspect will be fake. I also remember having to reassure him the GLG were trustworthy from past experience. Within days he was recommending them pubically like he’d been ordering for years which I thought seemed like an odd behaviour. I then thought I’d just try speaking to him via the phone, he got super squirrelly and said he don’t talk on the phone. I’d also at this stage sent him some other stuff (nothing much) and was sketched out. Then he actually sent me a bunch of seeds black triangle f2. So I called him to say thanks and he went total radio silence. All communication cut. At that point I stepped back from OG a bit for a big chunk of '22.

Fast forward to the end of 22 and TST was everywhere on this site. I decided to really keep distance and not engage to much. He seemed to be doing coops and contributing so I attributed a lot of it to him trying to compensate for depression by building a persona. His mentor stories always seemed to be horseshit as it gave him access to everything from the past and crazy resources etc etc. This seemed to be a heavy pattern of representing himself as more than he was. What I’d not realized was being everyone s best mate. I also thought he’d been fulfilling his commitments and that I was maybe off base in him being nefarious so relaxed a bit even sent him some puck f2s.

I now regret not being more vocal. I feel fairly violated by the whole thing on a personal level rather than money.

Here comes the kicker. I saw he had disappeared from the site and texted to see what was up. He tried to get me send him cutting for a project. Whatever mental health issues are at play, he’s a straight scammer.