BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

I presume you were in a group buy as equals. TST was part of that and has the resultant goods. Current status is unknown.

Please continue this within your private group chat. Or open another. Include the moderators and LJ if needed.


Just keeping it light settle down. I sent TST a $120 pack of Jenny Kush that I fronted the initial money for. 11 other OGers then chipped in $10 each to me. He had the sterling rep on here, his own thread, etc. It didn’t work out, it’s the way she goes. Now I will buy another pack of Jenny Kush and do the run myself next spring and get those 11 people their seeds. Not because I’m obligated to, but because someone needs to step up and handle the initial goal. You cannot keep a good dog down man. In my life this little hiccup ain’t shit to overcome.


I think that’s really cool of you to go that with the seeds, but to minimize him stealing from other people isn’t a good look imo.


My last communication was asking him to contact Loki, I have not heard from him since. After a couple of messages explaining more of this story, I decided to follow some advice from a member and distanced myself from this situation as there was clearly stuff going on I was not aware of.


Go read the msgs dude. It was over 2 weeks ago you msged. Before all this started to happen. At the time before being privy to this info, I said he was absent because of mental health and I was talking to him via text, so from my point of view at the time, everything was on track as thats what you were concerned by. Again I did not vouch for him…

I’m in the same boat… how have I bennifited or gained from this…

I never vouched for anyone. Stop skewing the situation.

Just cause I organized it doesn’t mean I hold all responsibility for someone else’s actions. I followed through on what I said I would do. I’m even talking to Scally to get this resolved.

Your intolerance and lack of care for anyone but yourself and what you are owed is evident.


I’m kicked in the Nuts hearing these outcomes, because there was a trust.

And I believe I got chewed-on as well.

Dialogue was at a stage, that if he had a real problem, he’d have called.

Not again Gang!


Damn, that sucks dude.


Does seem he was doing doubletime to acquire things. About when did that occur?


Saw he was online at ic last week. Wonder if he is taking the show on the road over there.


Mighty OG of ya. Thanks….again.

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The money is gone, time wasted, feeling hurt, trust shattered. The only question now is how will people choose to respond? Are they gonna cry about it forever or rally and accomplish what initially was set out to be accomplished? I say shake this shit off and rally.


Some folk have noted his activity at other sites, mostly in the June-ish timeframe.


June 7th 10:24 est.

"I’m doing ok, been a bit under the weather the last week. But I’m finally feeling better somewhat. Hoped it’s gone soon. Was REALLY sick . But tested like 6 times all negative for covid. Hey do you still have that UPK pheno/mom. I actually hold 3 different pink kushes now . Island pink , pink Kush legacy cut and 11 week pink. Once I flower them all together I’ll send ya some bud. I’m curious how they compare. I really wanna make the REAL ultimate Kush now that I have all the Kushes I’ve been seeking . I’d like to combine. Purple, pink, OG and bubba. Maybe a few varietals of each. And look through like 100-150 beans to find some stuff I’m looking for then work it to the gassiest, dankest, 3-4 hour high af weed that you can’t stop blazing it tastes and smells so good. "


I think alot of us know who you are referring to. Time will show you right on this one too, I have seen this character play his game several times already.


lmao, of course he has the island pink lol, thats one of the cuts from the group buy. This guy man


I always wondered how he was going to accomplish all of these plans? He’d talk about being broke and so on, but then projects that would take quite a bit of resources. He had quite the collection of cuts too, if he had everything he said. Quite a collection of seeds it seemed as well. Just appeared he had maybe 2-3 not huge tents in a bedroom or something. Tough to look through hundreds of plants and work on breeding projects. I did forget about the “mentor” though. Haha.


Unreal. It’s like a pyramid scheme and now it’s low tide.


Like when he tanked that discord?


This may have been brought up already but @buckaroobonsai was so kind to donate a UGORG Blues pack. For TST to F2. That seed run is sadly also toast.

Hey Mr. Bonsai, hit me up if there’s a Bodhi strain You would want to see F2ed. Run by yourself or another, to make up for this loss. It’s possible i might know where to get a pack.


Funny we’re talking pink and pyramid schemes. Anyone live near a top of the pyramid Mary Kay lady back in the day with the pink Cadillac? Haha