BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Dont see much of his #1 Crony on here that was his flunkie spreading unguided hope. Says he was also Shystered. He spread such false hope to everyone who followed BOO thread. I say we have him walk the plank.


Yea thays really weird how he acted as his mouthpiece, got offended when people called him on his bullshit and pooooof not here to say anything.


Agreed, its too large scale a pattern, and over a time scale of multiple years, at this point not to be calculated IMHO.


I’m so bad at the guessing game. If it’s the member I think it is, they haven’t been on yet today. I’m interested in their hot take as well.


This place was refuge from the dumpster fire they created last year.


Ohhh my goodness!!! Blues got snagged as well?? He’d be getting hunted down if he pulled that over UK/Scotland/Wales way. Screwing people over on UGORG beans would have them in an uproar. Haha


I can only assume so since he made the co-op seed run topic and said the seeds were being sent to him.
His last post w photos of the Blues plants was May 1st.

and now my post are being deleted.

real cool.

I don’t need this shit.


And now he’s trying icmag


Damnnnnnn, I think I’d stopped paying attention to him by then or just totally forgot. Haha I’m not into many of the repros and whatnot, but I would’ve been on those.

Damn, well this is shit to read about, i have been chatting with him from time to time. I sent him a cut of my unicorn poop and some beans and a few ounces of bud over the last couple months because he said he was hurting and out of weed but i sent without wanting anything in return so not considering it a loss but i do feel a little mad at myself for not being more aware , he lived pretty close so thought it would be cool to have someone close to trade cuts and flower with etc, like i said i i wasnt looking for anything in return but i mentioned in a thread i wanted chem d and 91 and he sent them to me in a trade for beans, he sent the cuts as a bonus which i thought was really cool…. was told if ever needed anything just needed to ask him, cuts money, equipment… etc.was told about his clone list that i now had access to as well and he held some elites. when i received a whole bunch of beans and those cuts i let my guard down i think. we eventually exchanged numbers and texted a bit about life etc and how similar our tastes in weed were and we should make beans …. He just invited me to go fishing later this summer a couple days ago. I haven’t messaged him since reading this thread but i feel a little exposed as im normally on the ball with this type of shit. His cred and thread here gave me a false impression i think. I really hope he pops up and makes things better. Thank fuck i use a mailing addy


This! Don’t eat each other just because the food vanished…


Yeah, I just checked :unamused:


Don’t worry, myself, @crownpoodle and not sure who else have linked this thread under his last recent posts over there.


I just hit veteran status over on IC, is he in the trading section trying to scam?

I hadn’t seen him there as of yet…



I farted around in his thread for shit talk. Never engaged in trades or anything. Certainly didn’t send him money.

If it’s worth anything I’m always suspicious of people who talk too much “love and light and peace and blessings and I love and appreciate you all and you’re the best group of people on the planet and your mom is hot and I like your car.”

It gets my gander up.


Seems to be following the same pattern as here

Post in thread ‘BC Purple Kush’ BC Purple Kush | Page 7 | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

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I cant believe he is using his OG name on other sites. Kinda like shitting in everyones face here on OG.


Ohhh shit, the team is on it. He’s not getting away. Haha. Is there really a Tom Ford cut? Was always a big Tom Ford fan myself, until he recently sold, but I’m intrigued by the name of the cut. Haha


Yea, its a fire pink kush found in toronto alot

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