BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Stay on topic people.


no … you are wrong.
This scam needed to have light shed on it like any other.
If you have a problem with that , too bad for you
There is no soap boxing but I will not be swept under the rug … not at your say so LOL

peopl can complain about not getting free seeds from the BOO run but what about those who are out hard currency? They don’t matter right?


By hate mail you mean the DM I sent you privately saying I felt you were out of line trying to make @Wizdom reimburse you for your investment in the clone buy? The buy that was completed and the clones were sent to TST successfully? That hate mail?


Yes sorry, I didn’t open the bag - that’s the BOO that he sent - he sent me some lime auto and Uncle Festers Skunk with a bohdi cross. But a full pack of BOO - which confuses me if all the above is true … he must have had the intentions to follow through at one point.

Thread is about TST activity and interaction.

Knives out for the tangential increases the pile of sh.t and will be removing such posts.

Fair warning.

p.s. it’s been damn hot here all week which doesn’t mix.


I would grow those seeds out to be sure they’re actually BOO.
The long history of alleged deception speaks loudly. Though i didn’t interact w him much, except when he sent me cbd seeds for free.


You may be the one and only person who got the BOO that was promised to them.
It was always “next week. Next week. Next week.” and sending lists of things he wanted me to 3d print for him.



I wouldn’t even grow them. Tainted. Who can say for sure what they are other than an untrustworthy source. Into my garbage they would go.


Here is how I should have posted the photo - i could repro this BOO or donate for repro if someone responsible steps up here.

(Leaving for a bit here won’t have time to respond immediately)


The boo is probably the same as ones I got , apparently made wasaaay befor this run , I received mine maybe a year and abit ago

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Umm…isn’t all this shit from coop boxes?


WTF is going on? Can someone give me the condensed version please?

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I got these right after the shucking… Growing out the UFS now… and it’s UFS. Got beginning of May.

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open the pucks and see if they all look about the same size

If you look on the underside of the label it says, “Made in Mexico.”


Man those orange pucks look great… I’m running out and could have used those for myself haha


Mexico or Brazil for oranges these days for sure. Need a net for my Valencia here these days. Haha

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I have an auto going that he gave me - it’s half way through flower outside and running the UFS now - it appears to be all legit. Won’t know about the BOO until it’s grown out I suppose. But with my interactions it seemed on the level honestly* run of the mill OG trades.

Gotta run tho here. Wil have some time later this eve


So after reading start to finish are ya’ll saying chances are good that I won’t be getting my Bag of Oranges seeds any time soon?