BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

Woohoo free Mexican landraces!


its stuff he gets for free and gives to ppl as good gesture to than get what he wants.


That would be a …correct.


I think thats what happened to me. Was sent a big bag of seeds. Buttered me up.


prob a better chance of you and shhc making up


Groomed. You were groomed.


id groom you hard

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I thought i met a fishing bud. Yup no more forum friends for me lol


TopShelfTrees1 has presumably ripped-off many people on OG. And has not sent out (or completed) 2 seed runs. BOO fem and UGORG Blues.
Folks are sharing evidence of his fraud behavior.

Since You donated the Blues pack, those plants are now gone bye bye along w TST. I was offering you a Bodhi replacement for You to choose to have an F2 seed run done. By you or another member. Blue Sunshine for example. Or another you may prefer i might have access to.


Don’t let one dick sour you on the rest. Most of us are cool. Maybe not me, but most of us.


reading this sounds a bit like some Dms but i talked about a trade with him that never concluded im glad to know all this now as idk how i would of got screwed

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On Discord brother.

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Yea, he was going to send me Tony OG back and I was going to send him multiple packs. I was going to make F2’s of the Tony OG to share here AND to send to Tony Green because he didn’t have any left and people wanted them. I don’t think I ever sent anything so it sucks but I didn’t get scammed on that one.


well the cats out of the bag now

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For the record, some were talking about 2 accounts created a day apart. I can say the addresses of the 2 members are 400 km apart. Just an FYI. Not the same person. :v:


let’s not go there
@LoveDaAutos and I had a misunderstanding between us a lonnng time ago now and it serves nothing to bring that up. I left it be but all this time later I see he is still raw about it so whatever. He got the seeds I promised in trade so he has no legs to stand on to be coming after me over this Wizdom/topshelf situation I find myself part of.

Topshelf was always acting like a friend to me both here and on z-labs. In fact it was topshelf’s invovlement at z-labs that set up the “trust” he gained with myself, @jaws, @crownpoodle and several others. I came to Overgrow to become a sponsor after being urged by Topshelf to join here. So this all comes full circle and I am out cash… but my arrangement was not with topshelf it was with wizdom.

For me I can not win… open my mouth and get slapped… fine.
But that 120 bucks and the attitudes of “some”, will cost the site a sponsor.
I know the value of advertising here as a breeder but if you all thought I was here for sales and for making money from seeds… you all seriously missed the mark in judging me.
I’ve done my best to fit in here, be generous and helpful and most of all be a Genuine human being.
I see now that shit like that don;'t matter here.
I guess i should just excuse myself and go back to the nice comfortable site I was on before I came here. LOL
I have been active on the forums (icmag, zlabs and overgrow more recently) and never on any of those sites have I been treated like I have been by some members here. I have also never been the victim of scammers either until now.
The fact that a select few feel the need to use my comments against me and to tell me I am out of line… ya fuck that. Anyone doing that is as bad as Topshelftrees.


Blue sunshine would be great! Unfortunately I can’t do the run…. Much appreciated @BudWhisperer


well i always enjoyed your topics and posts and seen the generous things you have done for this site and offering stuff for server funds etc. so if you do go i will be sad to see it. just another thread i followed would be gone… and many of them seem to be as they get tired of things or ppl around here. hopefully you stick around. and can come to some agreement on that 120


I am a sponsor of the site to peddle my seeds.

The group buy had nothing to do with my sponsorship. I was involved as any other member. And organized it for the group and for OG to hopefully have more free access to these cuts. I did not sell these cuts or had any involvement other than trying to get more clones than what we each individually would have paid.

If this had anything to do with my seed, then that would be on me.

Get your head out of your ass.

I told you I’m talking to Scally and he said he would help get this fixed. I have nothing else for you.

So you saying I’m scamming… How? I’m in the same boat. And I’m atleast trying to get a resolution with Scallys help.

And yours will cause another

The way your handling it shows you have no compassion for others in the same boat as you. I got fleeced too but it’s my fault…

Way your attacking me saying it’s my fault, shows you need to look into a mirror


Funny thing is, I donated a pack of these and wasn’t even interested in getting any of the seeds he was going to make with them back, but then everyone else’s excitement about them got me wanting some. Haha.