BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

It does to me brother and I have enjoyed our interaction for what it’s worth.


I’m talking to Scally and will hopefully be getting a few snips to all involved.

Not good enough for SHSC


I’m assuming everyone agreed to TST getting the clones and mothering them out before anyone even sent any funds…


Check your time zones. E.O.D. Is coming up shortly for some.

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Thread is about TST activity and interaction.

Knives out for the tangential increases the pile of sh.t and will be removing such posts.

Fair warning. Demarc’d here.


Always a pleasure @PatHealy , I do like to keep busy. Good to see you back. :v:


it does to me brother, does to me


I’ve received a 240w light, seeds, and clones from TST

Talked to him about distributing bag of oranges yesterday.

Can’t speak to what he owes others.

Obviously not the same person, for those who are confused.

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That’s interesting, he told @wizdom he was going to send those to him to distribute.

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Hmmmm. You mentioned how he also screwed you when you messaged me So how bout discuss that too while you are still sticking up for him. I could post the message if you would like.

I said I sold valuable packs to send stamps to him, not that he screwed me. But maybe you should post it, sure.

Also not sticking up for him right now. The situation is not one of my making and he has to account for his own business. I’m stating what I know.

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Regardless… you got screwed too so please stop defending him.

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Stating the info I have is not defending someone. You probably should read my comment again.

To be even more specific

I sold packs of SOWAHH, snow lotus bx v1, and ssdd pack by @HolyAngel to 2 different people and bought rolls of stamps and a flat rate mailer, and sent the stamps to TST. Not leaving any info out by any means.

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I was trying to help get some of what is owed to the community.

Not sure if I want to be involved at this point.


You carried out your end of the bargain. As I see it you are in the same boat as everyone else who kicked in for the clones.


Have you flowered out that chem 91? Ive got it just started. Any good? Real?

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I was flowering it out but it died. Pretty sure it’s from farmer joe. Seems legit enough to me. Shows the traits I’d expect.

That being said you should definitely flower it out to verify it, and i will here. Gotta back it up.

You can always ask Joe if it looks right, if you’re friends with him I mean.

Much like the life changing orgasm I’ve been promising the wife for 20 years plus!

The TK he sent me also was definitely real, because I wasn’t able to get it to root :joy: @GreenHighland

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