BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

funny he said to me he lost it and was interested in trading mac1 for mine(TK)

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I’m curious why you responded for him 3 hours after his disappearance.

"Rest shucked this week… " on 3/19
A few minutes later he posted again. 3 hours later and you’re the voice of it all.

That’s my issue. Why were you so quick to swoop in and take his place. What did he say initially to you that made you jump in and play spokesperson.


He did lose it. I wasn’t able to root it, and he’s been battling thrips along with me. It’s been a hell of a fucking time. We were both laid up at the same time and having a really hard time. Now I type it out, no wonder someone could think I was the same person!

Fair question

Truth is he’s been a huge support in my life and we texted a ton before he got seriously ill. So I was very quick to defend him when he wasn’t doing well mentally and then got seriously ill.

I won’t defend him at this point though, he has to speak for himself. I’m just being honest about my interactions and record with him.

I spoke with @Wizdom and confirmed that TST was talking to him about distributing bag of oranges. I wanted to make sure that was correct but as i said that’s what TST told me yesterday, because I wanted to get this done and was going to offer to assist.




I can say that blues is not happening anymore as far as I know…

What happened to the blues?

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I just think @leetdood that it’s hard for you to come to grips with the fact that one of or maybe your best buddy on OG has proven to not be such a great guy.


I don’t wanna speak for him

But I believe the gist is he shut down that project because he no longer wanted to continue with it.

Any more info has to come from him I just wanted to mention it before I forgot, that unfortunately it’s not happening.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Re: TST, leetdood, jetdro

It is difficult to see such a sad situation yes.

But part of it people may be misreading my mood or tone. I am not gonna defend someone who owes their end of a deal or trade or bargain and has not delivered.

But I wanted to be clear about how I’ve been treated, what I gave, what I got, and the info about bag of oranges.

Giving info is not defending someone. Sometimes it may seem so but I am not defending someone who owes their share of a fair deal.


Hearing about the Blues project hurt, so I went and found UGORG has a site and has some stuff available, but the sold out stuff makes me cry. Haha. Thats the stuff I want. But, at some point I’ll treat myself to a pack or two from him to finally scratch that itch.


Sorry @PatHealy I know it’s horrible news

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:rofl: :vulcan_salute:

its like hell in a cell in a cell


Tis a sad day at OG.
Thank you @Northern_Loki and all the mods for keeping this place straight. :green_heart: Huge work behind the scenes.
I know everyone is butthurt. Especially people who lost money, trust in the community and in thoes being persicuted for being “friends” or interacting with TST, and I am truly sorry y’all have to go through this.
But please stop attacking others being guilty by association.
I think we need to look at some of, if any good out of this thread.

Like the fact that @Natea has stepped up. Offered some BOO for reproduction :green_heart::seedling:
Now that what OG is about. :call_me_hand:
Can we not get these into a reputable person like @DougDawson or others that we trust to do the run? and turn this debocle into an OG success story?
Once again. I’m sorry for thoes who got scammed. The world can be a shitty place.
Let’s make it beautiful growchacho’s :green_heart::seedling:


He is supposed to send them to @Wizdom

Should it be a different person? Obviously the person has to volunteer themselves also

You said he was sending them too you? What happened with that?

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He has hundreds of pucks, envelopes, and stamps… Is he sending all of that to someone?


Well i believe thats the idea. @Wizdom is the person at the moment.

Pretty easy to do if you use a flat rate mailer.

At this point I’m 99% sure I wouldn’t want any of those BOO seeds for fear they would be something someone else sent him over the years just repackaged with a BOO label.