BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

We are on the last chapter. I’ve had stuff sent to me and need to send it out, only reason I requested this thread to be opened again. Only reason for the list is I don’t know who was wronged and want them served first, only if they want. I also want the list to show what was done, so it’s not in the shadows. Once completed I feel the same, book is finished and should be shelved, pun intended.


I say you send him poison ivy clones. Either that, or something that is guaranteed to hermie.


That must have been tough to swallow… personally I hope it’s on condition you receive what’s owed first. Then pull a TST on him…

I saw the writing on the wall, the sheer amount of ass kissing this guy was doing to aquire what he wanted. When he reached out to me I declined any deal with him.

I hope you guys get what’s owed but I somehow don’t see it happening.


The amount of money sent to distribute one seed run is mind blowing. 400 pucks? Holly shit. Not enough seeds produced to fill half that number or not that many sent to @Wizdom. And how many packs of seeds to do this one run? I am counting over $500 and that’s not counting Clone buy money. As someone who has distributed many seeds runs I have to say I am really blown away seeing this all typed out. This is absolutely crazy.


I believe mith stated he was out 3 bills


I’ve heard it mentioned on the board before that people deserve a second chance. I hope that’s not the case here. People that make mistakes deserve second chances not people that intentionally deceive others for their own personal gain.


You could have another vacation house if you were making this kind of money off of each seed run.


I’m glad everyone is listing losses, this is needed to show how out of control it got!


I think distributing the 150 packs of ssdd f2 bx1 ran me like $150 for postage alone. Other materials weren’t too much tho, whole thing came out to less than $300 im pretty sure. If he was doing two or three coop runs, the $500 kinda makes sense but man…


Expect he was given seeds, postage, pucks, money for shipping etc…


Just a thought. For future seed runs there should b a list of needs that get checked off as ppl donate so ppl don’t just keep giving. This seems like overkill for one seed run. Glad I wasn’t involved. Feel sorry for those that were. I do believe the good far outweighs the bad when it comes to OG community overall


That list is nuts already :eyes:


That’s a good idea, transparency is key.


No thanks.

Thr Blues run was a co-op run so I would have done that distribution and it wouldn’t have cost him anything. Just saying.


I sent him a couple ounces of flower (after he got me to give up my number and we started texting outside of forum), couple grams of rosin, 5-6 grams RSO, the entire F1 lineup from prolific coast seed and a cut of my unicorn poop because he said loved the smoke and would love to grow it. I sent all of that after he had sent me a bunch of seeds, these ones

and cuts of chem 91,chem d and tahoe og, i had mentioned i was looking for Chems in trade thread as i had never grown them and he sorted it out for me and sent the Chems and tahoe plus all the beans and wanted nothing in return so i felt extra generous when sending to him. I posted pics in my grow thread and he started regularly mentioning wanting stuff I had and the communications began to increase and next thing i know he was calling me a good friend etc and asking me not to be scared away by his intensity, i feel like that was all his type of testing of the waters to see how people are…I dont feel he ripped me as i was willing to pay hundreds for chem d and 91 so i actually felt in debt to him for getting them to me lol, master level manipulation of scenarios. Im still happy with the trades i made with him to be completely honest and feel he owes me nothing at all but seeing what he has done to the community i felt i should share my interaction with him. I feel manipulated though, in a way that only a pro scammer could manipulate. High level stuff


It’s definitely a lot of money, especially when it was supposed to be just a project he took on himself to honor useful’s legacy. From our side, there was no visibility as to who had contributed what (monetarily). What really grinds my gears though is that after all the shipping supplies, pucks, envelopes, stamps had already been donated and probably also several hundred dollars cash, TST came out with some sob story about how he wouldn’t be able to distribute much given the low donation turn out.


What strain is that red puck with the thank you sticker?


OK that’s just crazy.


To beat a bead horse, this is what @leetdood was defending and why he has received backlash he has.
Telling people to get their facts straight and to give him more time.