Breath crosses

I’m down for it all!!!


The PBB’s are gonna make people take notice. This is proof


lol, for real tho


Pbb is nice stuff only tried it a few times but was a nice stone I really like thug pugs cactus breath too but all those old packs go for serious dough


Wait what? These are free!! I bridge the gap. Just give any PBB I made a try :v::call_me_hand:t2:


I mean the seed pack resellers of the original releases of thug pugs work great of you to perpetuate awesome genetics and put the work in some serious selection I’m sure we’re going to find some fire with how solid the genetics are that’s in them real stoked to find some gems :gem:


well that clears that up…

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I’ll respond here too. Thats my old company which I left due to incompetence and greed. It is all my work but I had someone else run the IG because I’m not good at this stuff. The male pictured is my PBB male, not Garlic Breath, the Moby Dick pictures is actually the PBB cross but was mislabeled and I had a pheno of the Mendo X GMO that looked exactly like that and I mislabeled the pic on here. There’s nothing shady or sketchy, I have put in years of work and the gear is legit and badass. I have thousands of pics and mislabeled one accidentally. And again im not really sure what this proves other than I work 70 hrs a week and in my haste to try to get my work out there, I mislabeled a pic. You are questioning my work, my integrity, and affecting my livelihood and I really don’t get why. All of my gear is what I say it is, anyone that grows it will see that.


So you are working your ass off but posting a ton of pics that are three years old? That seems odd. That being said as you mention the proof is in the beans. If you got fire you got fire.

What does the age of the pics have to do with anything? Life happens and I am just now ready to offer my work, can’t imagine why I was so hesitant to be involved with the internet :roll_eyes:


Dude, it looks very bad for you. You are a day or two from getting kicked outta here. No active breeder I know is going to post pics three years old and mislabel their key prized plants. And the excuse is classic too, the old ‘fallout with partners’ excuse. Apparently folks in the cannabis industry are the most vindictive people in the world! Asking for shipping $ doesn’t help you either. People that trade and give out things on here use greeting card envelopes with hose washers and coin slot envelopes. Total cost per package is a stamp. Where there is smoke there is fire Crafty. Sorry I don’t believe you.

lol, ok dude. Sounds good

To anyone that has my gear, it’s legit and fire. Haters are everywhere and love to see someone fall, but have zero idea what it takes to create something. :v:


After the asking for shipping thing was pointed out to him by the community he offered his stuff for free. He sent me 2 strains that included more seeds than i thought i was receiving and also a bonus strain that he must of looked at what strains i was into or randomly just happened to pick the one i would have picked as an extra. Now i can’t speak on anything else mentioned but at no time did he ask me for any $ or anything else to ship them to me.


It sure seems like if someone thought that they were considering taking an unreasonable risk with their four dollars they could simply not ask for free seeds and keep their pocket change safe and secure.

Other people have taken the “gamble” and they have received seeds.

It has been difficult for me to understand the tension that has surrounded your offer.


A few OG members are just overly cautious and a bit gun shy due to a number of scams that have happened here. A slight discrepency has raised their suspicions and they’re just asking clarity.

You’re new here so nobody really knows you yet (or your history). There was mention of funds for shipping (small amount I know). It’s just all of these things together create the perfect storm so to say.

Don’t feel attacked, consider it part of a vetting process. As members recieve the seeds and grow them out, all the answers will be there.


Well, I always try to not be involved in disputes that are not with me, but I feel that I have to clarify something.
@Crafty_Flame started asking for shipping costs, he was new here and was not going to give a pack or two to one person, but many packs to many people. He was not very aware of how OG works, and I think that he wanted to send them in the fancy packages/bags. I was one of the firsts that went ahead and make him a paypal transfer. Also I talked with him and let know how people usually send the seeds, hoses, rubber stops, pucks… something to be on the cheap side and have the seeds protected.
After having the money on his hands, he reinbursed the money. That is, he don’t take my money and run, he make a paypal back to me with the money without me asking for it.
So for me, there is no scam.
I still not received the seeds, but I’m in spain and I am aware that sometimes shipping here can be slow (while others is fast). That is no problem for me, I have some packs waiting for reputed Overgrowers that are many months in travel or never arrived.
I have see other overgrowers in US that have already get the free packs that @Crafty_Flame sent. So seing others receiving the seeds and the fact that he send my money back, makes me feel confident.

@DesertHeartGardens thanks for the tag, and for the inquiry. I know recently we have here some socks puppets and that always there are people who want to scam others (by. example Carter Creek Genetics Instagram false account). That things have us always be on defense and distrustful, that is not bad seing the actual panorama. But as I described early, I don’t have reasons to not trust @Crafty_Flame .

Now on the plants: I don’t know until I grow. Perhaps they are fire or perhaps they are meh. But I have also this results from famous seed banks.

I’m not telling that you have to be confident, I am only telling that I am confident.