Breathing issues post trimming

Yup that’s what happens to me. Sinus get so bad it’s insane. Where can I send some samples to test for PM? I’ll post up some photos of the plant in question tonight

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Pm is noticeable. I think you simply have a bad allergy to weed. I definitely do. If your in a legal state you should have options for lab tests. If your in a state that hemp is legal, just label it as hemp

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I’ve had some plants trigger severe asthma attacks and insane allergic reactions.
Most varieties bother me, but some are very severe.

Nowadays I take a Benadryl before doing a lot of trimming.


Good tip I will do that

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Granted I’ve only dealt with it outdoors but that’s not my experience. It will show up and go away based on the weather to the point that you won’t be able to make sure that the powder form of it doesn’t get trapped inside new growth.
Had a buddy that would always get PM and never know it, I wouldn’t be able to see it on his plants, but every time you smoked it you knew.

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How can you tell when smoking ?

Pretty much immediately feel light headed (dizzy not fun), shortness of breath. Could easily be confused with a rush of early onset (anxiety induced) but you’ll feel the lung issues linger til you go to sleep and wake up again. When I looked it up a decade ago I think it said it can cause popcorn lung, like the old nicotine vapes were accused of doing. If you were smoking the bud and didn’t feel the symptoms until trimming then it’s probably not PM you’ve been smoking.
Depends where you live but lots of testing facilities these days in legal states.
Also, I don’t even know if the test can see if the plant is infected with mildew or just if there was powdery mildew on that nug, the latter would make testing kind of mute I suppose.


If a lab is testing it will do culture testing for all living bacteria/ mold spores

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I learned to wear a particle mask over 20 years ago while trimming dry bud. It was either that or have my nose run for days. I’ll take the mask. When covid hit, I didn’t find it to be a big deal wearing one cause I got used to it trimming.


This works. Know one is going to ask to test your plants. They might if your 50 over your limit. In that case your fucked anyways.

Interesting this has come up, but in my experience being out on the big Cali 300lb a year farms when they are running so many genetics and massive plants when it came time to have the trim crews and working through it, every year each person would def find out what strains they are allergic to if any. I didn’t think nothing of it my first year cuz I’ve always been a heavy smoker getting stuff on the street from prohibition days but when the bins of Durban poison came around and we started working it after about 2 oz of working my bin I started getting flared up like I was in a room full of cats and finally had to tap out and hang in my tent for the day and the head of the farm just laughed and was like ya it happens and always learn which strains it allergic to, didn’t seem bothered I took the day off and was back at it once they got through that one. Only strain to this day ive had that reaction with so far luckily

Sorry to hear ur work u can’t enjoy, maybe u got some grower buddies to do some trades with to offload it at least


My son gets itchy touching plants red welts. It’s happened to me a couple times with a certain plant .
I scope of the suspected buds will tell if it’s mold or frost and crystal. Mold will wipe off also is a indication it’s not caked crystal.
Opening a bag of power mildew buds will create a cloud .


Trichomes make me itch just going near them. Psychosomatic.

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Out of hundreds of kinds the odd one sets off my allergies and the odd few when smoked especially a Kush from 30 years ago, instant symptoms


Not in a legal state to test. The breathing issues only comes when trimming. However smoking recently has been hurting my lungs too. Could just be because I’m smoking 10x more now that I have bud around all the time

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Def no clouds when opening bags or trimming g

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PM is pretty obvious. You would know.

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I am allergic, also I take allergy medication.

:green_heart: :seedling:

I always get at least a little itchy after a trim, but a friend I know gets it really bad, like you said hives :eyes:

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From personal expirence it sound like you may have an allergy as sever as mine to weed. If I eat it I will legit die I’ve been to the er twice for it. So I’d be careful about it wear gloves, a respirator, and clothes that won’t absorb the oils. For me I’m allergic to the pollen, sap, oleic acids, and probably more lol. Be safe!

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