Breathing issues post trimming

Here’s some photos, PM? Finished trimming g today wore a quality painting respirator, was better but still got a headache


I see it pretty clean… but I’m not an expert.

Anyway, as I am a bit hypocondryac, I started to wear mask, just to be a little safer.

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allergies :100:

Get a good mask, have good ventilation.

Also get a rescue inhaler from your md. (sounds like that would have helped you big time.) @Animosity

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when I was in my teens I worked at a co-op grow. There used to be a dude who wore a whole head-to-toe body suit, like you’d see in breaking bad. (except his was like cloth and not rubber). I asked what was up with that and they told me he’s allergic. I couldn’t comprehend it at the time, but I defiantly understand now lol.

That’s a good idea, because it is possible to develop allergies to things.

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Maybe take allergy medicine before trimming?

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I don’t see anything, if you’re indoors from seed and nobody is visiting your grow who grows (esp outdoor) then it’s unlikely.

If your lungs are hurting from smoking more then that might be where the shortness of breath is coming from. Or just anxiety, it’s obviously stressful, I wouldn’t say it sounds like a panic attack but if the terps are uncomfortable that can spur similar respiratory symptoms probably.

I really would just pull the big fans and hang them. If you’re really feeling down on it maybe just vac seal them and freeze them, can make hash later. Better than tossing your hard work.

“Cannabis Allergies” are a real thing, ALL of the symptoms mentioned. Yeah, sometimes PPE is required. Wishing you relief, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks , actually thought the respirator helped but now just from the house being filled w the chlorophyll and terps I’ve had a massive headache and wheezing. Just hope it disspaites soon

Indoor, also didn’t think looked like PM but given how rough I’ve been feeling wasn’t sure

Great looking buds you may want to consider a electric bud trimmer or farm out your hand trimming to someone else.

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That’s exactly where I went. As an asthma h allergy patient, I’m always careful touching anything.

Breathing is optional :joy::rofl::fire:

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Never had this issue been trimming for a couple days now.Now pollen i had i wierd Mexican male that was from 90s brick weed that threw. out these razor thin double serrated leaves so i was like cool lets take him to something and see what he does,Flowered him indoors collected pollen within minutes i had an allergy attack so bad my eyes closed watering sneezing comenced.Next day i had to come home from work early i couldn’t stop sneezing and my eyes and nose watered nonstop.Needless to say he had to go.Haven’t had the trim allergy yet


Like a 3M half-face mask? And you just use the pink/white disc particle filters? I find it’s likely terpene (and other volitile “gasses”), and not particles big enough to be filtered out by those particle filters. From experience.
I’ve tried so many things. It’s awful.

So…what do you do? Do you still grow or use cannabis then?

These reactions are the worst.

So since my allergy mostly revolves around specific specific plant compounds I’m very careful when it comes to seed popping and will cull males as soon as I see them for the most part, if however I do keep one around yes, I will take extra precautions to make sure pollen doesn’t fly all over the place and potentially leaking out of one of my tents so I choose to hand pollinate while wearing gloves, long sleeved shirt, and a mask (usually one of the blue surgical masks) since I can get them for free basically. And also I personally don’t care if I break out in hives from interacting with my plants, I just try to stay away from eating it and dealing with mass amounts of pollen.

I just use these type of masks…works for me.
