Problems toking late at night

hey guys, i have a problem. when i wake up i begin to medicate and i medicate all day. when night time comes and i take a puff from my pipe, vape, or bong, or my vape in my bong, my chest starts getting tight and i start wheezing and having trouble getting full breaths. this is a problem as edibles wont effect me and i use cannabis for insomnia. i end up still toking but my chest hurts so much man. i end up having to take my girlfriends emergency inhaler because it starts getting really bad. my sibling has asthma but i have never had problems like this. it started happening a few months ago when i got a cold and it hasnt went away. does this happen to anyone else? any clue whats happening? ive been a heavy toker since i was 13 and i am 21 now and i mainly use a sherlock pipe.

Sounds like it’s time for a tolerance break.

I’ve found that about once a year I have to stop smoking to give my lungs a break. Extreme cardio and frequent exercise has helped me to maintain my lungs.

Do you smoke or vape nicotine too?

I would too recommend to stop smoking if you feel any pain. Sounds like some kind of allergy to me (or just chronic illness from smoking).

Why don’t edibles have effect on you? In general they have mild but long lasting effect that could help with insomnia.

Jake is right with that excersising, that can be massive improvement for you and it helps to sleep properly too.

Or a vape only break;) nah that even hurts. Sometimes worse. Im going to be trying yoga and vaping french lavender. I dont use anything else other then cannabis and psychedelics. Ive taken up to two grams of cannabis in a chocolate bar. I always make them proper as everyone else gets messed up on them. Ive also recently taken a half gram of decarbed oil in a little coconut oil and i dont feel any effect. Im trying to take a break but damn its such a habit.

If you are not used/addicted to tobacco and nicotin (many tokers are), moving to vaporizing pure cannabis can make a difference!

But of course complete break is the best also psychologically, some times most psychedelic experience is to be sober :slight_smile:

Good luck

Thanks joe. I havnt smoked any nicotine in almost 6 years now:) i spent yesterday only vaping bud and oil and i could breathe better forsure.

Salutations Lotus710,

Actually i needed to deal with a compound situation where toxic mold exposure (from the attic) agravated emerging allergy signs to the point of experiencing asthma attacks. Hence there was a time when i started to fear the good old days were over, not anymore as i actually managed to normalize my situation to near satisfaction using a simple mix of basic solutions.

As a vaporist i don’t smoke but this just was far from sufficient: my ritual needed a change too, using “Sip 'N Toke” scenarios (i drink generous amounts of water before/after, as required). My personalized consumption tool avoids the usual electric-dry (Release/Transport Agent) pitfalls while more efforts had to be made which focussed on more suitable dosage via a time-compressed method, etc.

To top it all i’d also argue that my sessions are much easier to perform in presence of a couple sunny rays providing enough feedback: it appears hesitation leads to operator errors which lead to more accidents and those call for healing periods lasting 2 ~ 3 days min., often more…

Last but not least i read that refined extracts feel smoother; judging by experiments conducted with golden-sticky screens alone i’m most enclined to support this idea but then i must admit that i still keep trying to maximize aroma/taste appreciation from dry herbs as this is a major aspect of my new re-focussed ritual exactly.

Etc., etc.

Good day, have fun!! :vulcan:

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I recommend you to stick to vaping extracts if you can´t go edibles or add some oil or extract to your food or use in a capsule.
You can also drink a chamomile tea levander or light salvia tea… When you sleep, mucus accumulate in your respiratory tract - lungs. Dry vapors irritate lungs (not only) and THC is basicly expectorans so night smoking lead often to cough.
Garlic - expectorans. You can make a tea (the smell can be masked with ginger)You can also apply a garlic paste on your chest
Fenugreek - mucolytic. Make a tea from the seeds

Another helpfull method is steam inhalation. Just boil a water in the pot - you can add a few drops or spoon of leaves of levander, eucalyptus, camphor oil, citrus juice or tea trea. Cover your head with the towel to prevent escaping steam and inhale.
Hot shower or spa do a good job too.
Long walks with short runs help you to clean your body (lungs) faster.
Hope you will be better.

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Switch to edibles,…

One product I’m looking at developing is a product like a breath spray. I"m sure its already out there… Anyways, I"m thinking a decarboxylated THC product that delivers 5 mg per spray, that comes in a variety of flavors.

Easier on the lungs I think…

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Thanks for all the ideas guys. My lungs have slowly been getting better. Mota has an alcohol spray that you use sublingually. 5mg per spray. Id need like 30-40 spraysXD