Most powdery mildew resistant strains

I’ve been growing for years no pm.all of a sudden I’m getting it,tried the diy methods like baking soda,milk,neem oil,I got micronized sulfur,and recently got some silica from buildasoil that and bacteria like bacillus subtillis they say to feed right into the soil, anyone recommend me maybe some PM resistant strains they’ve grown?


Build a soil’s em85 will fix it. My ac infinity humidifier stopped turning off when it got over 63% so I ended up walking in and seeing it as high as 80 or 90 once. Shut it down. They’re on back order for awhile. Anyways, the em85 as a foiler spray saved all my plants. It also prevents fungus gnats I’m told

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Well let’s start with your environment. Usually it’s an environmental factor in my personal experience.


JohnnyPotSeeds Frankenstein is pretty good.
I grew one outside and not a spot on her but most of the other plants around her were a mess.



Without s Doubt @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein

.I grew a massive bush of the stuff that was laying in PM never got it here have a look frankie is on the left clean as a whistle My environment dont fuck around here i live next to one of the great lakes damp and humid and rainy all year long she never so much as got a damn spore.No Budrot either not one gram. @Gpaw is 100% correct


I grew an ACE Nepal Jam that finished early enough to avoid most of the major issues.


Where are you located? I’ve got some seeds from the PNW, especially bred to handle their “Seasonal Rains”, plus said to finish BEFORE the nasty weather in late Sep/early Oct. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I have the same situation outdoors, last season the most PM resistant was Fat Bastard from @Andrane

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Actual issues or are you the issue? :rofl:

I still stand by UK Cheese, but like others I’ve got a JPS Frankie ready to grow outdoors in a few months time :rofl:


My balcony is the issue


Is anyone familiar with “The Church” or “Church” apparently its part of a genetic line specifically bred to be resistant to mould and mildew.
It’s originates from Denmark or Switzerland irrc.

I found it?

Mould resistant gets a mention?


I’m in southeast massachusetts,I’m getting it indoors,my Temps are between 70-77, humidity isn’t going above 50 most time its in mid to high 40s, I have oscillating fans for air circulation,I’ve been trying to spray every 2 weeks with micronized sulfur or trifecta,it keeps coming back,in veg I can usually just spray its just once I get into flower it gets on the sugar leaves and gets stuck in the resin,I cleaned my room really well also have 2 hepa filters going

Misterbee I’m in the Northeast,southeastern Massachusetts to be exact,Id love to grow anything with resistance alot of the stuff I have is first gen poly hybrids…

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PCK from cannabiogen (now available at CSI/pirates) has been used in breeding for that. Good smoke too.

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You are reintroducing Spores in some way if it keeps popping back up with those numbers,Sulpher will knock that shit out dead in Veg flower is a different monster and the only thing ive found that was even worth a fiddlers fuck was Dr Zymes when mixed and phed correctly at the right temp 90degrees i never spray in flower indoor anyway i dont get PM indoors anymore i dont use micronized i use bonide sulpher Dust havent had PM indoors in going on 2 years now and i have lower temps than you do im in the mold sweetspot half the time with all the snow and thawMight consider a complete tent tear and wipe down Disinfect that whole tent ,Touch every surface even clean off the dust and shit laying in the heatsinks on top of those lights i dont even go near my plants till i have showered and put on fresh clothes i dont take chances anymore the risk outweighs any benefits It doesnt just spontaneously appear out of the Ether Theres spores coming from something in that areaAlso be mindful of waterscale as well as Joe would say

.Might be overkill but I have been using an Ozone generator like this to clean out the tent of pathogens and airborne spores spiders what ever is hiding i dont want.This one does air and water i run the airstone in my pump sprayer and use the spray to disinfect with and spray down tent walls with ozone water then i run the air for 15 min 2x every 3 weeks and keep clear for an hour that shit will kill you if your not careful and responsible .Ill take the left over water and water the plants with it they stand on end at 45s for 24 hours just like outdoor after a thunderstorm.


“The Church”, at one time was all the rage. Most of the Strains/Varieties coming outta those areas are “normally” resistant. Try it IF you can find it. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Tried to look up you got a link to the pck your talking about?

Is this it?

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I blame Ikea!

Here’s their shop:

They’re not the best in strain description though :slight_smile:

There’s been a seed run here iirc