Breed it or weed it?

Not a high bar indeed , but I’m not ripping anyone off , atm muwahahahaha
Now you have me thinking, barely anyone has anything that hasn’t come from someone else,I mean every major company has rip offs of GSC, Cheese, Bubba, PK ect…, yes even the Gods use others work lol.


Any bum seeds go into my chickens so I say make seeds…


@Scissor-Hanz I would disagree and say two medium grade plants could be breed to create something better, that’s how we got to where we are today. The genetic make up of the cannabis plant and what dictates things like growth and oil production can be drastically changed in hybrids, maybe one person’s idea of medium grade is high quality but low production or high production with low quality and by mixing the two you can hopefully get the best of both worlds. Even with plants that are medium quality in all aspects creating new combinations of Gene’s allows for un seen trates to imerge and become dominate.


So because probably somewhere in the genetic mix there “might” or “should “ be latent genes in there somewhere that are great ? I’ll do it the already hard way of breeding two solid individuals.

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I’m just saying it can be achieved not that it’s the best option or something somebody should spend time doing. Like many others have said it realy depends on why one wishes to make seeds in the first place. So in some cases it would be fitting but in most it would not. Breeding should be done to preserve landraces , increase supply of stable lines or with the intentions of making something better through proper breeding practices. How ever one decides to do that or why is up to them and is a matter of debate. Thankfully having different breeders with different thoughts on the matter keeps the gene pool diverse.

@lunchpale when you say two solid parents what exactly do you mean by solid , genetically solid or high quality. If both are genetically stable and of high qaulity it’s easier to breed for desired traits. One of the problems is that people are breeding alot of high quality with low stability creating a mix match of genes that’s hard to work with

Hey ,I should have said parents of high quality that won’t herm.
Your right about why one breeds and if they are happy that is their deal. I cannot imagine anyone is not being able to buy any seeds they want to start as opposed to just using random seeds left by uncle Wayne the vet way back in 92.When we got our first store bought from Sensi in about 87 ,it was hard to get seeds but now people give em out at shopping malls and farmers markets.
Anyhow if I have the last three seeds from a famous breeder only growing fire, and those three seeds suck ass, dat Fukin line is dieing right there, sorry y’all.


I disagree with your disagreement.
We got where we are with all commercial plants by selective breeding.

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Interesting because selective breeding refers to selecting the best out of a large selection and then stabilizing those traits. The way we have gotten better cannabis is threw selective breeding of plants that came from a larger selection of lower qaulity and finding the gems. Now if your referring to medium grade or inferior plants in comparison to better ones from the same seed stock of course you would pick the best representation of the traits your breeding for out of the bunch. All commercial plants is a rather bold statement considering most people are well aware of many non commercial strains and genetic contributions to the gene pull that are anything but commercial varieties