Breed it or weed it?

So you purchase trade or are gifted 5 seeds , theoretically 50% male 50% female, so four of them pop two girls two boys , now they are for the most part not bad but nothing to brag about, as a matter of fact the males are not much to look at.
Do you breed these and hope great plants are going to come from this or pass ?


Depends on the lineage and if you’re breeding for personal or sale. If you purchase landrace seeds breed as you please. Make your own strain. If someone else’s work you should ask permission from the breeders before breeding using their genetics

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Not landrace ,not from someone who’s gonna cry, just seeds bro.


It’s your seeds, do with em what you want to.

Breeding is more then just letting two plants make seeds, so unless you have trouble getting new seeds.
I would advice you to start with learning to grow, before you start chucking pollen.

In the case your isolated, and new beans is hard to comeby. Make more seeds for sure, but if they will be better, worse or just the same is impossible to say. But it’s your seeds, no need to ask anyones permission.

From your question, im guessing your not planing on opening a seedshop. So do as you please mate!


Thank you for wording it better than I could. That’s what I was saying by it depends.


My opinion about seeds and breeding, is maybe not the most popular.

But breeding with any store brought seeds, from any comercial seller is fair game.
Pretty much all seeds are, unless your a tester and been trusted genetics. Someone is working on, and most likely asked you not to share. Your an ass, if you fuck anyone over like that.

But the day he/she start selling them, it’s fair game to buy thouse (end result) seeds and breed with them.


Dude this isn’t about me , it’s about what any one individual would do in said situation.
I am in no need of seeds though :blush:.
Oh damn are you saying “Untested Beans Inc.” isn’t a good idea as a company ? lol , 20 years ago I entertained the company idea though.


If for personal growing to smoke and you purchased the seeds you can do what you will. If you are testing for someone unless asked specifically it’s a dick move to breed unless you ask first. Again though the exception being if it’s for personal stash and you’re the end of the line for the genetics anyways it’s a grey area unless you ask imo.
That’s about all I can think of rn


Thinking about it yes ,landrace or a super rare strain that you have the rights to breed if you so wish included.


You would be correct in that inclusion. We should all work together freely in a ideal trading environment.


Would probably choose based on what the seeds were gunna be used for.

Starting a breeding project? Probably not worth starting with mediocre plants.
Just gunna kill the males and run females sinsemilla? Totally worth breeding the mediocre plants, rather than spend four digits on seeds.


Mediocre + mediocre can only equal more mediocre. Better to breed with standout plants, imo.


Finally , bin waiting for someone to say that.


Depends on your available resources.

If you have plenty of time and no other options for getting genetics then work with what you have. You will not get as good a result as if you had better starting material but if your other option is nothing, then it will be better than that.

On the other hand, if you have the chance of getting more seeds or a clone with better genetics go for those. You could even cross with your current, not so good, seeds in case they have some unique potential that is only expressed when crossed.

Whatever you do, don’t get rid of your last plant without being able to replace it or you have nothing.

Regarding breeding your own plants, my opinion is that you can own a brand and you can own the name of a strain but to use a musical analogy you don’t own the notes and anyone can make their own tune. If someone puts in the time and effort to breed a distinct strain then they have done just as much work as anyone else who also put in the work and time to make their own strain. This would mean breeding a true breeding strain, not just making a single lucky cross of course.

What you can’t do is use the brand, or anything else that may rely on the reputation or name of the previous breeder. If joe seeds make super crystal orange bud then you can’t sell using the name joe seeds, or the strain name super crystal orange bud. What you can do is incorporate genetics from anywhere to use in your own breeding program.

You own your tune, you don’t own the notes.

This, of course, means you should be very careful who you allow to listen to your song if you have not released it yet…


What if I don’t give a fuk about Joe and say without a trademark he can go fuk himself ?


I’m not too concerned where the seeds came from but if the plants are iffy or meh don’t breed them. If they are rare and you f2 them for preservation that is another story.


I have tossed rare without issue if it’s shit , waste of time, gotta know when to hold em and know when to fold em , I don’t think or I sure hope that breeders that take our money don’t say “ well the only two plants off the rest of my seeds are shit, man I’ll breed em waste a lot of people’s time and money”.


theres the chance it could produce something killer but its a gamble and probably a waste of time


… know when to walk away, know when to run…


Always an option. It is up to Joe to protect his trademark, branding, and all the other things. All he has to do is show prior usage to own it though, not a very high bar.