Breeding Hermaphroditism out of a Strain

Usually my outdoor. But no herms to speak of.

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Again anecdotal evidence . Have you done the work? Have you bred? Or are you just on here spouting unfounded lies?
I have taken 4 lines to f6 with the purpose of eliminating intersex tendencies.
Two were with plants that would noy show intersex no matter the stress or if reversed with chemicals. There offspring still had intersex tendencies in about 15-30%.
Used proven males dod not matter. Intersex is hormonal and in every plant.
Just because mom doesnā€™t show intersex from stress does not mean its offspring will not. Your talking 1k-10k off spring depending on the size and seed production of the plant. I tested 100ā€™s of each generation they still had ā€œhermsā€. And lets say a breeder like myself test 100 seeds out of 10,000 produced. Thats .01% how does that determine what the other 9,900 seeds will be?? Also testing in my environment applying swings, over and under feeding, light manipulation, strong winds, harsh training etc etc does not replicate or can it the millions of different grow rooms and growers. No breeder can guarantee shit!! It is arrogant ignorance to do so. You canā€™t control whats passed to every seed, it could be a trait from the 10th generation parents you ised or the 3rd great great great great great grand parents used generations ago. Spend 7 years chasing removal of intersex with your strain you mentioned and make sure to have 20+ growers test full packs for you plus run your own large seed testing and come back with your results. You will be disappointed. So many lies perpetuated by growers who are not breeders and read something somewhere. Thats a fool. Dont take my words either go do the work and find out for yourself. Oh and it cost a ton of money to do so good luck!!
On another topic, fem seeds. Lets say you altered plant hormones in a lab and intersex was gone. Those genetics would then always and only be reg seeds. You could not make feminized seeds, whether you care or not 75% of growers do and want only female seeds.
Cannabis is not male nor female it can change when it needs to. Males too! I have reversed males also.
Agree draught stress is a stress that will trigger a response towards intersex. Light manipulation and over feeding are from my stress testing the top 2(too high co2 applies)
Also the best strains that everyone wants came from herms. People can get on there high horses all they want and say you can find better with proper breeding all they want. Then go do it! Go do it!!!
I find further line breeding I did less I liked what was found. F1, S1 & f2 are where the best genetics are found.
The back in the day weed everybody talks about is 1-nostalgia and like the stories your grandparents or parents told you about walking to school in 5 ft of snow 10 miles. The first weed you smoke, the first time smoking nee strains is always the best just like first time you smoke that day is best. 2-nobody had huge indoor grows breeding strains lol. It was from bag seed or someone did a small open pollination (and screwed neighbors) but there was no testing them, no line breeding they just grew them the next year or two. And thats how those strains everybody talkd about missing was made not by going to f5-f6 selecting specific traits only to lose others. Open pollination is best then hunt to find a great pheno.
Hope you have many successful grows and plant tons of seeds. Nothing better than hunting and finding a killer strain nobody else has vs having what everyone else has. :v::v::v:

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Yeah I do the work when and as I can. I havenā€™t had a single herm report from the hundreds of packs of ssdd f2 bx1 I made and gave out. Had some in some other lines tho. I generally donā€™t breed with herms as a rule tho. Iā€™m not gonna waste my time trying to fix a line that does it either.

Iā€™ve thrown countless packs of plants into the compost from a ton of breeders due to unstable genetics.

Iā€™m not arguing with you. If anything I agree with you.

But Iā€™m saying there are stable plants out there.

Whether or not they breed true for that is a different story, of course. If the offspring do it, obviously at least one of the parents was carrying the capability to do so. Have to pop and test the seeds to find out. That can take years. I get it.

I like f2s best for hunting myself.


F2ā€™s are my favorite as well!! I have found many stress resistant phenos in packs where I found a few herms. It comes down to personal preference at that point. You can get lucky and buy a pack pop a few and get a great plant but thats not normally the case. I wonā€™t pop partial packs that doesnā€™t give anyone a representation of what is in the line. Many of my best strains have been found in packs I also got ntersex plants in. Those I kill and never would use one that showed intersex without a serious stress leading to that. I do stress testing in 3 rooms all set up to run 50-100 and all different ā€œtriggersā€ and feeding. I have never used any that had pollen sacs or nanners. And still see intersex in those lines. During testing. I had a NL x White Widow you could not make it reverse no matter what. Her offspring with 2 proven males would still svg 15-20% intersex in the offspring.
I do agree there are sexually stablr individual phenos but that doesnā€™t mean the offspring will not. Will it br better than someone who uses a plant that shows intersex regularly, yes.

I wish you di much success in all your growing! Im just sharing my 28 years if maybe the info can help someone in anyway. Have a great evening :v:


Iā€™m burning inside to multi-quote this sudden rant ^^ But fresh account created almost for this ā€¦ kind of wtf.

Go ahead post more wrong info based on your opinions or what you read somewhere! I donā€™t mind the discussion but please bring it from your actual experience breeding as I do. I have to be incognito because everyone already has preconceived notions on intersex from the hack breeders that use it to attack other breeders. Even the ā€œbestā€ known or famous breeders have plenty of intersex in there work. And again if it can be eliminated you would never hear anybody say they got a herm from those breeders. What happened was a rookie grower popped one or two seeds out of a full pack and found a sensitive plant then flipped out, kind of like the other person above. I have grown 100ā€™ of packs from csi Humboldt, Humboldt seed co, lucky dog, rare dankness, covert, inhouse, exotic, greenhouse, barneys, gage green, dna/reserva privada, th seeds, subcool, cali connection, ethos, mass medical and so many more. Multiple packs too ALL I FOUND MULTIPLE INTERSEX plants. Every breeder!! Because every seed can beā€hermā€ actually i tersex is just triggered and can by by multiple things. If intersex was not in evrry plant how could you reverse them? Yeah some plants are harder but its not consistent especially through generational breeding! Ive reversed a plant 2 times and it failed to drop pollen 3 rd time exact same application it dropped loads of pollen. You and no oyher breeder can eliminate intersex.

I smell an agenda

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As fck buddy ^^ What is annoying is that itā€™s so packed and confuse, that i donā€™t fcking know what kind of bible heā€™s selling. Itā€™s frustrating somehow.

Clear to me, just that if you try enough you can herm any seed line. Maybe some single plants are more resistant and you can keep it cloned. Iā€™ve heard this too on different potcasts

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I was talking more about his genetics ^^

The ā€œeverything is herm, there is no point to care about itā€ is not my philosophy. But more a concern in term of consequences.

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Maybe this is a gorilla marketing campaign? Makes a bunch of posts about how herms are everywhere and there is no escape, next he will start with the herms are cool story, then releases his new ā€œherms are now great dropā€, sells a bunch of dud genetics and rolls off into the sun. It would explain the name?

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Antibodies stay strong at OG obviously :muscle:

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Iā€™ve bred 6800 strains to F14 and am an expert.


Donā€™t get me started on prehistoric seeds bro ^^

Where did I say anywhere That I breed with herms? you come off as very arrogant to say the least. Intersex in my genetics is the same as every other breeder out there, period. To think because you grew one breeders work that they are a better breeder and selected better parental plants is beyond wrong, actually ignorant. Not trying to sell you anything as I can tell by your response you believe wrong and just because you think you can eliminate intersex does not make it true. This and many other false BS is the problem with this industry. Some hyped up wannabe says something and everybody takes it as true. Many breeders are just faces and do not even do the actual work anyway but spew false info and narratives. I try to educate but itā€™s like trying to make the blind se, you canā€™t especially when theyā€™re willfully ignorant anyway. @Acro if I had an agenda I wouldnā€™t be on overgrow trying to educate people when I could just use my social with 40k. Pointless here. I just hate false info about intersex always being wrong. Do the work and breed it out, document it then lets talk. People get offended when there precieved belief is wrong.If itā€™s confusing and too packed then again it just says you do not understand or you are unwilling to admit when your wrong. Donā€™t trust me I donā€™t care go do it and prove me wrong you will find the truth! Not on here or reading others complaining when they are doing so from inexperience. thousands grow my work and I do not get many who get intersex but I do get some and I replace them no questions asked but not because my seeds were intersex as again all seeds/cannabis plants contain the intersex genes, but because I want them to have success. Best of luck in all your grows and do some breeding.


Itā€™s not IBL until gen 26 brah, youā€™ll accomplish something someday, maybe


No way man thatā€™s when the herms come out.


No, i do it. Itā€™s even more arrogant i guess.

Ok so send me 20-50 seeds of that cross I will pop them all and put them in 4 different rooms with all different stressors and lets see if any show intersex. Sense you bred it out they shouldnā€™t have any then! Let me guess you donā€™t have any left than loool I really hope you do! Lets get to the truth.


For now iā€™m eating them all ā€¦ to screen out these damned herms :rofl: