Breeding question

Have a question for those in OG land. When you breed strains, what traits do the male plants give genetically? Have an idea for these 3 fem clones…


Similar traits as their sisters.
Or spray it with ethephon and find out.


I’m currently working on a preservation project, and had one out of 6 make it. If it ends up a male, I’m trying to figure out which one of 2 to pollinate

you do both and grow them out
you can just brush a branch or cola and label both
you’re limting your selections if not
then you’d need to select from the subsequent seeds because your initial selection was limited.
That’s the good thing about chucking and making your own seeds. The bad thing is the extra time once u have a ton of free seeds to sog and test grow and select.
If not you’re either gonna end up with mids or losing a lot of potential.


Plant structure, smell, (stem rubs) time to flower, flower stacking, its all very perspective but I find all my males outdoors, they’re the fastest, stickiest, stinkiest, full flowered and Christmas tree shaped males. My last couple males had visible trichomes on the fan leaves and were gassy as fuck. Idk if that helps you much but thats my male selection process.


Not that I even know what I’m doing, but my strategy is to pop as many males as I can to breed with the chosen females. That way the contribution of any individual male is minimized. Just a different way of looking at it.


Vigour and structure and scent mostly.


This makes sense, idk why I wouldn’t have thought of that. Honestly no sarcasm.

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Sorry a bit off topic but if you flower your males with there sisters and they get pollinated will you still be able to correctly identify the traits your looking for on pollinated bud? As in smell, structure, potency or does this change when a plant is making seeds?

the plant doesnt change because of the pollen just lik an asian dorsnt become african after having intercourse eith a dude from ethiopia the change is in the progeny you have to grow the seeds and see how they differentiate from the parents analyse this and come up with conclusions


The most important thing is if it’s recessive or not, if you only looking to make seeds, recessive males are the ones to look for, you can only know if they are recessive if you grow their progeny with the selected clones you wish.

If your looking to improve your fem clone, you need to find males with better traits (growing wise), cross them to your clones and see if they are recessive but pass some traits you do wish for.
It’s a lengthy process, and you need to keep track of everything.

The easiest way is to self your clones and work from there, screening and selecting along in order to bottleneck your choosen traits in the subsequent seed lines from it.

Edit - you can also cross with a good fem and create fem seeds, the benefit here is even if 2nd fem you cross to is not recessive and will take over the cross, you can still find special things as it was a good clone from the get go… This is also a way to make seeds but also improve your line if you can find a suitable fem that hold better traits but is recessive in the traits you don’t desire.

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Hahaha :laughing: enough said. Yeah it was a dumb question. I love the awnser though.

I was thinking like this. if I popped a bunch of beans, and just let them be plants. if by being pollinated you would still get to see what the females express fully or would being pollinated stifle them in someway.

Just thinking small space kill 2 birds with one stone. Pheno hunt males an females in the same tent.

Sorry I can’t articulate what my brain is trying to get at.

Either way 10 out 10 awnser :clap:


seeded buds dont taste smell or have the same potency as its sinsemilia counterpart
that being said seeded buds can sometimes get you good smoke but its a pita to clean out seeds out of herb to smoke and there is slways an aftertaste i found seeded weed have


Make hash with it. That’s what I do.

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im lazy but not lazy enough to not de-seed my buds for a joint or two


The kind of shake I’m talking about comes from fully seeded bud. Hash material.

Although even it can be quite good just smoked as is.


yrsh im not talking shake but fully seeded buds (flowers)


Im really just looking to learn breeding and don’t necessarily care about the end product as far as consumption. just want to see a bunch of plants. Im an extremely light smoker so on harvest last a few cycles for me.


your goal is not coinciding eith your purpose or one of us is not getting something

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you just want a shit load of seeds dont care what come out if i understand?