Breeding question

no, i just want to see a lot of plants, to find something unique, both male and female with limited space.
can search the same line, both males and females for something unique, to then cross and make seeds. the first run would be a search, the second would be breeding what i found or is this not possible?

would having males and females in the same space, make the search invalid is basically what im asking

I’m just looking to learn. As in from a horticultural stand point not an end product stand point or a consumption stand point. I learn by doing, and usually screwing something up.


If I’m reading you right what you want to do is take clones of all plants and then once they are grown out and identified you have more of the same waiting in the wings.


There’s nothing wrong with that. Pick two strains you like, make seeds and grow them out. Worst case a lot of it will be smokable but not top shelf, but some of it should be really good.

I’ve done that more than a few times and more often than not it works out quite well. :fire: After doing that a few times I started to notice more plant features and feel like I’m getting pretty good at matching up strains to cross. I’m doing some seedruns now, so I’ll know how well I did.


i find this statement interesting snd confusing at the same time, my question here is do you know what you are seeking or are you going blind in the dark


Not a clue at this point, blind as a bat. But I feel ill never know what protege 2 plants create if i don’t just start popping a like that I breed.

“You don’t know what you don’t know.”

and right now I don’t know much about cannabis love making and trying to find any good ligature on the subject seems to be difficult.

expediting some learning by just doing what I can with what I have.

my apologies for the confusion, not looking to pump out boofy seeds if thats what your wondering.
Just super new to messing with pollen and the boys.

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Marijuana Botany by Clarke is a good book.


100% and the breed with any keepers if there are any.

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I will defiantly give it a read.

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Maybe run your prospective pairings separate and see what you got to work with before breeding them…

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yeah, I think what im asking to do is not best practice and there probably a reason not to go about it in this manner

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i totslly get you im in the same basket as you but i understand that you need a goal or else your gonna end up away of your expectations

my tip here would be familiarise your self with the parents then grow the seeds and identify traits and see if you can trace them

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I’m actually, about at that point now, Im currently waiting on my first cross to finish up, I just did parts of the plant and not a whole plant run. Ive got about a year into my current project, I hunted a male I liked, collected his pollen, saved his pollen, ruined his pollen, collected fresh pollen from his clone,
found a female I like, pollinated her with his pollen and now she is finishing up the last few weeks of flower.

but you are correct, I had no goal as far as specific traits I wanted to pass.
If you like you can check it out,

Sorry my question high jacked your thread @Familytradition wasn’t my intention.

thanks for all the help though

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All good. I’m learning


What i like to do is take one male and chuck him to 3 different plants not related and take notes on what the similarities on what he imparted on the progeny when i pop them.Only real way to find out is to start chucking and find out.We can guess all day long on what he might pass need to see and find out males have a bigger data gamete then females do.


This was one of the first books i ever read on plant breeding still one of the best to date a bit outdated though.What would be awesome is a is a more updated abridged copy with some of today’s technology getting into Meristem and such getting a mention.Was pretty crazy you used to need a expensive lab to do it now you can get kits off of amazon with the right homemade hood filter.Clean up your IBL lines before you make hybrids with them for pure unviolated stock.A man can dream i guess


That is partly true, trichomes don’t care if the buds are seeded or not, they will still grow, maybe less in qty but still mature and grow to the point when you smoke that seeded bud you know exactly what you get if you grow it without seeds.
If your plant is 90%+ seeds I guess that’s true enough to the point you need to grow it again to understand the full potential of it.

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Most people look for structure, vigor and resilience in their males.

They believe thats what males mostly add to the genetics.

Its a bit cope in my opinion though. Those are the only things you can tell they will add before testing the progney.

If youre line breeding… Id say find a male that strongly resembles the female you are trying to make seeds with.

Or if you just want to dust up some nice clones find a male that screams stud. Youll know it when you see it.

If you’re serious its going to come down to testing the males progney. Otherwise youre just guessing.


That’s what I was looking for @CARE_giver. Waiting to see what this turns out to be, before I do anything

Someone else mentioned Ethephon earlier i believe.Reversing males is another way of Digging through what that male has to see what he has to offer.Another thing to is to actually take a male to full senescence and past and observe Whats he smell like Now is that a different smell he has now ?Is he dumping so many tricomes now he shines like a vampire from twilight in the sun ?Did he go from Dwarf to harlem globetrotter tall?I think one of the best ways to do it is to take cuts grow one to full term check him out well and keep one on the back burner just incase hes the Hitman your looking for test him to multiple lines and see what hes injecting into the project and record keep track.It all comes down to work and laying a good solid foundation in knowing both parents not just the male your using if combining strains.


I do that more often than not. I know what I’m looking for, old-school highs but there were different types. I might cross something, grow out ten seeds from it and I’m done.

That really depends. I’m doing some breeding now with a goal, but I also have stuff I just threw pollen on to see what happens. I’ve gotten pretty good smoke just chucking pollen.

I’ve ‘heard’ a lot of people say that you just have to pick a great male. And if you look at what a lot of breeders have to offer, they all have similarities because that breeder only has a few males he’s willing to use.

I didn’t want to find great males. I can smoke females. So I decided that I’m going to always use as many males as I can, to limit the contribution any individual male can make. And all the selection is done by smoking the females. Of course, males with bad structure or smells can be culled.

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