Breeding question

If you’re selecting males that have “good” structure you select the shortest ones, least amount of stretch and fastest to show sex.
Doing a lot of pheno hunting I’ve noticed the ones with “bad” structure are the most potent.
Basically if you take a sativa and select for indica traits you breed out the sativa traits and potency.

Same thing with frost, breeding for large trichomes that wash well instead of selecting for stickiness or greasiness.

I like indicas that stack well but I also like a sativa high that old school strains are known for .


Very good point. The most important thing is the smoke. :fire:


this becomes your goal to see what happensfor me goals are sometimes just a direction not necessarly a destination

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Greasy trichs wash as well as regular trichs :+1:

Another really good point. I didn’t think of it that way.

That’s what I plan on doing, the homemade clone gel is just a test, and pollinating them is just a why not

I selected my first male by seeing its structure and rejecting any fast flowering male. Was only out of 13 seeds or so.
So far I have pollinated the sisters of that male and growing them beyond maturity as buds. This is what would happen in nature. Currently lights are on 9 hours a day. Im growing in a attic . Out of 8 or so sisters I have rejected 2 plants that gave up earlier and withered on a hot day. Temperature in the attic could easily get to 35 degrees but not every day luckily. They still had fertile seeds and were good plants but I don’t need seed numbers. The remaining plants are different phenos including a haze dominant that looks dwarfed and refused to take seed by the looks . I wish I took back up clone of that :slight_smile: . Remaining traits I’m looking at are stem and root vigor /size. Bud structure on the seeded plants and general fertility ( the amount of healthy seeds a female is pumping out). Im limited on population size for sure but I can only see it meaning that it takes longer- not that it makes it not possible. I have zero results so far and will be interested mostly in seeing how it pans out.


I’m happy to see other learing this as well on a small scale. I think my best option is to keep my male and see what his protogy expresses and only search the female line this time.

Searching for heathy, vigorous plant will be top priority for sure.

Do you have a grow diary I can follow?