Broken glass in bud - what to do? you decide!

That’s been my thoughts on moldy buds for awhile. Wouldn’t the alcohol kill any spores and fungi present in it anyways? It’s sad, but my trim jar went moldy. If I can save it I want to. Sorry to hijack the thread :sweat:

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I have smoked broking glass in weed several times. Always from the piece breaking.


I would just give it a quick ISO way and be done with it.

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Yes isopropyl will kill the mold…


Good to know. The heatwave and thunderstorms we’ve had were the downfall of that jar


Thank you all for the responses. I’ll be buying some liquor ASAP.

Me VS The Dragon! (too bad i think of chasing the dragon :smoking: heroin & TJ hookers)



So yes the alcohol will kill mold and the spores can be filtered out with a 25 micron filter. It won’t, however, remove any of the metabolites of the mold, which can be harmful.



Currently smoking shatter made from molded bud. I’m well aware that mycotoxins will still exist in the end product, and even to some extent be concentrated. But you wont have to worry about living spores entering and spreading in your lungs (win!)

I choose to be okay with it, but it can definitely be harmful. Haven’t noticed any ill effects yet though.

As for glass, I would think doing an iso wash and running it through a couple of coffee filters would be more than enough to remove the glass.


… But not any mycotoxins or other byproducts of the mold.

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Considering I have no clue what a mycotoxin is, and I don’t appear to have suffered any ill effects after having done exactly this to moldy weed 25+ years ago,


I think it would depend on the type of mold, and the degree to which it spread.


It was just white mold fuzz on the bottom of the jar. I used my nursery bags to filter the mix and once I clean my double boiler it’s going to be made into edibles. Very high dose ones intended for a single or double dose. I’ve found I get a spiritual like high when I take about 1500mg THC at once. The first time was an accident as I only wanted a little bit of the tincture to try it. Instead, apparently, I found out I was thirsty and I chugged 50ml at once. Oops. It was nice. Very euphoric and I found myself fascinated by patterns I never notice usually. It actually felt like when I take shrooms or LSD for the intensity of euphoria and sense of wonder.

So far so good. Wish me luck.


I never use jars for storing weed for that reason. Using sealed jars always result in moldy weed from moisture in the stems. I use zip lock bags. I turn any left over year old bud into sifted hash. Then I freeze that. Using 91% iso alcohol or everclear ethanol alcohol will kill anything. Spores, mold, whatever. It will also break down some toxins. It also reduces the terpenes. Which is why I prefer sifted hash. But you should not sift moldy weed for hash. Waft off the alcohol and you will get good grade hash oil.


Smoking weed will render some mold compounds harmless. I would be dead from some evil disease if it did not. Back in the day a lot of weed was moldy. Smoking also rendered paraquat harmless. We did not know that at the time, but it does. I tossed out quite a lot of the golden yellow paraquat weed from Mexico. Talk about no terpenes. No smell at all. It looked good though.

Reading more on this, in several studies they tested tobacco treated with mold and made into smoke, and found zero spores in the smoke. So the chances that you get spores from smoking moldy weed seems rather remote. Grey mold (botrytis) is very common in Oregon with cool and rainy weather during harvest time. Botrytis is purposely used on grapes to produce noble rot on late season vines to intensify wines. In rare cases it can cause what is called “winegrower’s lung”, but that is an allergic reaction to the mold. IMO most of what I read about the bad effects of smoking moldy weed are hype. They talk mostly about inhaling spores. But testes of moldy tobacco smoke show that is simply not going to be the case.


Bookmarked. (For that day when I’m saying “wtf am I going to do with this…”)

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We did that with my brother’s stash a few years ago. He used jars, and they went moldy. 91% ISO soaked and rendered hash oil that we mixed with trim leaf made into flour. He still has some of it and it is still good 4 years later. Potent too. Grown from proprietary no name Afghan hybrid grown underground in Humboldt. That stuff sold for $400 an oz in SF. Not stuff we wanted to toss out.