Brown markings

Hey guys,

Got some brown markings appearing on top buds and finding hard to put my finger on the cause.

I have been combatting thrips for a week and wonders if could be markings from them feeding or if it was light or nutrient burn?

Any ideas appreciated.



Yo mean the slightly burnt tips? Hard to see anything hum|nullxnull , did you spray something to combat thrips?

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Kinda looks like when my tops get too close to the light and start cooking

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Hey George !

No mate. I’ll upload a zoom in. It’s not really clear on the pics I put up looking back on them.

I sprayed some organic spray applied twice now 3 days apart. Moonshine UTR I think it’s called. I added mint in the hope they migrate and sticky strips, waiting on the yellow ones to go in the pot tomorrow so hopefully that’ll keep them at bay. Also sprayed a milk and water solution in the pots today before watering them as apparently they can’t digest and it kills them and the eggs.

Won’t let me upload the zoom in so circled the problem areas. Hopefully you can zoom in on them.


It does seem to the taller tops

Tbh I would fondle the buds and spread apart that area and look for mold …only saying this because it sort of looks like it :sweat_smile:

I feel as if light burn would be a majority of the buds closest to the light not the center of a bud


Hope I’m wrong but it could be botrytis cinerea :roll_eyes:, high humidity may cause it, perhaps you sprayed too much, with buds formed it’s always risky. I started growing outside and had it, mine was more advanced but it can give you an idea to compare:

What’s your RH? Do you have fans? beer3|nullxnull

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I didn’t really spray much on the buds the first spraying, and on the second just kept it to pots and stalk. My RH has been around 50%. I have two oscillating fans and a couple of desk fans at the back, carbon and out take. Hoping it’s not that as that was one of my first thought

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Spread it apart and find out wile you have a chance to save it!

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Will spread it out and take a photo :+1:t3:


Keep an eye on it and try to lower the RH, perhaps letting dry further before watering, they’re looking great and that would be a real bummer. Try to never touch it so no to expand the spores and clean everything with alcohol if you have to, also no direct fans …

Edit: maybe you should chop a sample and inspect with a scope

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Just had a quick look and all looks good inside I believe?

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Yeap, looks fine Arriba|nullxnull, just keep an eye on it, now you know what to look for … beer3|nullxnull


Clip those infected leafs away and carry on !!
Mold can be a scary thing :crazy_face:


:+1:t3::+1:t3: Will do thanks guys. Like I say, mold was my first thought when I first saw it. Can’t work out what’s causing it. Possibly a little too heavy on the nutes or some thrip damage may be ? Either way will keep an eye on it. Only seems to have affected 3 or 4 top buds

Didn’t see that white mould, was looking for something brown :joy:. I know aphids poo can bring mold, don’t know if thrips can cause it, any case be careful while clipping them and sanitize scissors between plant and plant …


Will grab some alcohol tomorrow and get them clipped :ok_hand:t3::ok_hand:t3:

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Just a friendly warning, when you harvest cut your buds and check them, that kind of white mold (sclerotinia or oidio, not botrytis) can grow from the inside, happened to me :disappointed::

Here’s good info about them … beer3|nullxnull



Haha was just curious as to what might have caused it. I agree though will leave it alone :joy: