White Specks

Anything to be worried about or just specks of soil?

I’ve been noticing little white specks here and there since before transplanting. Just been brushing them off with my fingers

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Do you have a loop? Or magnification of some kind?


No I don’t. Was gonna get one for harvest what’s the best one around $20? Would a Macro attachment for my phone work?

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Are you running organics? Must be some kind of fungus icon_e_confused|nullxnull, nothing to really worry about … beer3|nullxnull

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i use this thing… its crap but gets the job done for scoping trichs. Never tried using it for pest inspection though.
might be able to zoom in enough with your phone camera depending…

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realized I havn’t actually adressed your question really in responses lol.
Prob just dust but id get a closer look to make sure…

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Yeah I’m running organics. Just gonna leave it and see what happens just wanted to post it to see if I should be concerned or not.

I have them too sometimes, I believe they are insect droppings.

Just remove it, let the top soil dry and water less, cinnamon also helps, here you’ve got more info … beer3|nullxnull


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Mold is never dangerous, imbalance is.
Fungi are essential for healthy plants.
Can everyone stop overthinking and chill out? :smile:


im with Rogue here. dont do anything drastic. your using organics so dont get rid of the things that are going to break down your organics.
Just take a closer look and assess.

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Was really difficult to me to chill out when I saw this in my outdoors plants:

and my buds:

WhatsApp Image 2019-03-08 at 21.24.14

It may point out an imbalance: poor aeration, too much moisture and humidity, not enough light, and also at least this kind compete with the nutes of the plant …

Any case, not a healthy sign, I am always looking for it and getting rid of it before it expands, here you’ve got more info, not really healthy looking plants … ejem|nullxnull


Fearmongering doesn’t help anyone!

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sorry, we are talking about 2 differnt things @George … i was referring to the fungal/bacterial life IN the soil.
If it is MOLD on the plant, that is a different story for sure. those are nightmare pics, sorry for your loss man! thats a tough break!


I know there are beneficial microbiota and fungus that help the plant while processing the nutes for the plant to take them in organics, completely agree they’re beneficial, but this one the OP has is superficial:

"A white mold growing over the surface of houseplant potting soil is usually a harmless saprophytic fungus . Although the fungus doesn’t damage the plant, it is unsightly and indicates that there is a problem."

Thanks, that was my last outdoor grow :disappointed:, now I only grow indoors, have more fans, try to keep humidity low and I am plucking almost daily big fan leaves to help with aeration and avoid stagnant air that may provoke mold, just warning the OP that the appearance of this kind of fungus may be a warning of not so good environmental conditions … beer3|nullxnull


I would call it IPM instead … ejem|nullxnull

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Thanks for the responses, just gonna see if the problem persists, if so I’ll remove my humidifier and see how things fair.

If that doesn’t help / it gets worse, I’ll figure it out.

Just wanted to hear thoughts from you guys.

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend :beers::leaves:


Wouldn’t surprise me if removing your humidifier did stop this… but it’s not necessarily a problem. Do you have an ultrasonic humidifier, and are you using RO/DI water in it if so?


Agree, I would just be cautious with overwatering and would let the topsoil dry out between them, plant in that stage need high humidity levels, at least between 40 - 60% … beer3|nullxnull

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