Bubbahash by ACE

Apparently ACE is dropping the Bubba hash that i.liked…so.i.bought two 3 packs…I grew it early in my growing and it had some cbd and alpha pine and made.me feel great
I.even am in a better mood the next day…it was expensive but I pulled the trigger and will get free jack hereR…seeds from seedsman also.
Its.my first purchase from the new.seedsman

Ugh… I heard some strange news about Seedsman unfortunately and will not be purchasing from them for the time being.

I got this news from the Grow Weed Easy Newsletter:

There is a big company that is buying out many long-time trustworthy cannabis seed banks. I recommend avoiding these seed banks for now until more is learned about them.

Avoid these seed banks for now (some of these used to be trustworthy, but seem to be under new management)

  • Crop King Seeds
  • MJ Seeds Canada
  • Rocket Seeds
  • Sunwest Genetics
  • Mary Jane’s Garden
  • Beaver Seeds
  • Sonoma Seeds

The latest victim? (possibly)

  • It’s not confirmed yet but I think the long-time trusty and well-proven Seedsman website may have been purchased by the same company. It has been recently revamped and has a new website layout that seems suspiciously similar to the seed banks above that were just purchased.
  • We are dedicated to keeping a current and relevant list of trustworthy seed banks so we have taken Seedsman off our seeds page while we investigate this further.

Yes they are defin…under new management thats the only reason I took a chance on them. The last bunch was whack

I went to the ACE website and Bubba Hash is out of stock. Seems weird that it would be in stock on Seedsman and not on their own website. Seems a bit fishy to me, that’s all. I don’t trust any seedbank possibly affiliated with Crap Kings.

I saw that as well but it was in stock at another seedbank also that has a very clunky system…(Herbies) after contacting Herbies here with my concerns they basically passed the buck to someone else.
And seedsman was out of five packs so I ordered two three packs…so it’s gonna be unavailable soon.
Hopefully it was left over stock and will.come in ACE original packaging…of.course ACE has been known to repackage seeds also…whatever…happened happened…seedsman billed me for the amount agreed on…

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You.may be right…i.keep.checking the seedsman site and they haven’t shipped.yet…they claim.it.takes ten days to.get.to.usps.and no.information is available until.then which is questionable at best
Maybe it a coincidence but.my bank…put a hold.on…my account due to.possible.fraud yesterday…I dont NEED THIS
GOING back.to.real.seed.company…now

Two months ago, Seedsman wasn’t shipping to the US at all… that does seem like a rather abrupt about-face, coming along with this warning. Hopefully it turns out to be legit, and you get your seeds after all. If not, I’m sure you’ll find seeds somewhere around here. :stuck_out_tongue: Tough not to, sometimes…