Bud washing with well water & using or not using lemon Juice and Baking soda?

All my outdoors where there may be even a trace of PM or Bud Rot:

Bucket 1: 3gal water, 1 gal 3% H202.
(60 second submerged with agitation, kills pathogens)

Bucket 2: 4gal water, 1 cup lemon juice, 1 cup baking soda
(60 second sumberged with agitation, emulsifier getting debris off and away)

Bucket 3: Tap Water
(30 second submerged with agitation, wash 1)

Bucket 4: Tap Water
(30 second submerged with agitation, wash 2)

Hang to drip dry overnight and then right into my drying tent.

If I donā€™t suspect any pathogens I skip bucket 1. @Taproot the amount of construction debris and insect bits I get in bucket 2 is often redonkulous!

I use brown sugar terracotta pucks, and soak em in boiled water. :+1:



Ive bud washed a couple times and i have well water. I had one of those water purifier things that attach to your sink meant just for filling up a glass of water. i used that to fill 5 gal buckets. took awhile to fill. i just did a wash on a partial harvest of one of my autos. I didnt bother with the purifier this time and noticed no weird anything with the bud. I used 3 buckets, first with lemon juice and bakng soda, second one with water and hydrogen peroxide, last with clean water. I grow outdoors and theres not much you can do to keep them clean, so washing is a must in my opinion. do it once and see all the stuff that comes out in the bucket and youll never look at your weed the same.

I dont think the fizzyness does much. The reaction dies down pretty quickly after mixing. I believe the idea is that the baking soda acts as as sort of an abrasive and the lemon juice creates a solution to help things unstick. i have no science to support this just something ive heard.

the only real reservations i have about using my well water is that it is a public well and i use a water softener. i do have a tap before the softener so thats not a big deal but the water is chlorinated as far as I know. wich is not a huge deal either as you can dechlorinate your water just by leaving it out. just fill them up the day before and you should be good. sunlight especially breaks down chlorine quickly.


I definitely will be using this recipe here in 30 days when I harvest my 10x10. I lost the battle against thrips. :face_with_head_bandage:


I wounder if boiling the buds with air would help? As in, build a tub with some soaker hose or other perforated hose at the bottom then use a high volume air compressor to blow air thorough it to create a massive amount of bubbles. The bubbles agitate and break the surface tensionā€¦that should free up and break loose debris. If not a air compressor one of those high volume pumps you use to fill up a air mattress ā€¦those are cheap.

Maybe a splash of white vinegarā€¦wonder how that would work. Lemon Juice is expensive out here but I can get a gallon of walmart vinegar for a few bucks?

When i bud wash i just use peroxide and rinse water, ive read people use just baking soda and lemon juice, lemon juice kind of doing the same job as the peroxide. Baking soda lifting particulates off the bud.

The only caveat to using lemon juice or baking soda is ive read some dont wash their buds off enough in the rinse bucket and there is some residuals, so just thoroughly rinse with either method, all methods aggregated, or just rinse water and youā€™ll be golden brudda.


So, you use a diluted peroxide mix in bucket oneā€¦then bucket two is plain water? What the ratio of peroxide to water?

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Yes to diluted peroxide mix and rinse bucket with plain water. I did a cup to 5 gallons of water. 3% h2o2. If you have a stronger percentage less is needed.

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Interesting, how do these compare to boveda packs? What kind of humidity level do they release and maintain. I generally use 58% packs for cigars and weed in jars. I might go down to 52% now since Iā€™m in a more humid environment.

Iā€™m a well water, peroxide and rinse girl too. I use an RV filter on my hose.

I would choose citric acid and baking soda over lemon juice.
They sell citric acid powder by the canning stuff in a little plastic jar. Itā€™s wildly useful for cleaning, canning, spraying on plants (like Dr. Zymes) making sour gummies.


I donā€™t think so either. Itā€™s about the way that the combo of both together with water as a solution causes all the fine particles to lift and emulsify clumping together to make those fine solids more substantial and removed from the plant.

For my outdoor harvests I also Have 2x small aquarium nets to skim off all this crap from the top of the buckets as needed.


Do you grow outdoors, or just like washing your buds? I was nervous at first but after doing it the first time Iā€™ll never not wash my buds again.

Have you noticed any loss of smell though, cause i have a sour chem cross that is definitely stinking nice and strong butttttt when i dont wash the smell seems a little more intense.

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I only wash my outside grows, which are not as frequent as my inside, obviously. I have only had one run outside of a couple different plants that were grown with varying levels of success.

Iā€™ve heard there are water soluble terps, I think I heard it from @RainToday? That might explain your stink loss?

I get a lot of bugs and gnats on my outside grows. Birds shit right on them. So I really feel like I need to wash them or do something to get all that off.


It wasnā€™t me - I do wash my buds, and @Heavenlygoo the only time I had an issue was early on when I thought washing in ice cold water was a good idea (itā€™s not, most of the trichs came off of course)

I wash all my bud even though I grow indoor, because it gets dust and dirt in it from my soil & nutrient supplements - thereā€™s a hydro advantage, cleaner bud.

My wash is really simple though - I cut the plant whole or in big branches and hold them in the shower while I use the detachable showerhead on a fairly gentle spray to hose them down thoroughly with cool water.


I have used dawn before. If you donā€™t spray anything on them and they are grown in a tent I donā€™t see a need in washing them. I have done it before. Because I spayed neem oil. Some do it because of bugs. I see your talking about outside. I have read where a family had a son out west that sent them bud home. They noticed how dirty it tasted. How much better washing bud tasted better. The hard water should be fine. I donā€™t think I would worry about bacteria if you drink the water. Like someone posted up there maybe boil your water if youā€™re worried about it.

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Well this first wash the water wasnā€™t ice cold but it definitely wasnā€™t Luke warm either. When you washed did you notice a film on top of the water afterwards? I was scared that was actually my trichomes coming off. But i do really like how evenly dry they are after washing em, and while Im Sure there was some loss they are still pretty caked on with resin

My only reason for not wanting to do it is because it makes harvesting these ladies take that much longer.


I think its a balance - donā€™t want the water much above 70 degrees or I think it could melt the volatile oils and reduce the terpenes, but ice cold is how you make bubble hash, so for sure trichomes will come off then.

I did a few side-by-side trials to make my decision, washing half a plant and not the other half, then compare the results. What Iā€™m doing now doesnā€™t perceptibly affect smell or potency, but radically reduced coughing while smoking it.


I chopped a plant today and washed it. Iā€™m not sure what to think. I filled up a clean bucket with about 3 gallons of well water and about a quarter of a cup of hydrogen peroxide. It was a small plant, little auto I grew so I was able to push it down and submerged itā€¦then pull it up and let the water drain out. I repeated this process several times. I swirled it around to get a little agitation and shook it somewhat vigorously under water. I wasnā€™t overly roughā€¦I didnā€™t beat it like it owed me money. I did get some bugs, dried up leaf and just a bunch of junk that came outā€¦the water wasnā€™t overly dirty at all. I thought I was going to have brown water after watching some videos.

What really surprised me is I threw the water out of the bucket and noticed a lot of that junk that got dislodged was stuck in a ring around the inside of the bucket where the water level was. Running my fingers around it itā€™s actually fairly sticky. To be clear the plastic of the bucket is sticky.

I thought bud washing didnā€™t wash off the sticky goo that we cherish so much. The plant is still somewhat sticky but apparently not as much as it was. Iā€™m kinda miffed as this is bound to effect the overall quality.

What exactly did I do wrong here?

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Water too cold, trichomes go bye bye. Just think of water hash.

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Whatā€™s to cold? I mean the water was most likely in the 70ā€™s. I filled the bucket up from the well and it sat for a good 20 minutes as I trimmed the plant up. It was over 100F outsideā€¦canā€™t see the water being that cold nor do I remember it being cold when washing them. Cool but not cold.

Well water where im at comes up pretty cold. I dont bud wash personally, i think its nonsense, all my outdoor hets turned to hash anyway, best way to wash buds imo.