Bud washing with well water & using or not using lemon Juice and Baking soda?

I grew some autos outdoors this summer and would like to bud wash them once I harvest. I seen some threads on here about a three part wash. Lemon juice, baking soda and then plain water. It seems like most used distilled water or RO water. My question is…is it ok to use well water or should I go to the store and spend money on jugs of distilled?

I know you’re not supposed to use tap or well water to re hydrate boveda packs or beads for cigar humidors because it can introduce bacteria for mold. What’s the thoughts on bud washing?


I think it goes fine with well water, never heard about bacteria or mold in tap water but you can boil it before if you’ve got some concern … beer3|nullxnull


I wash with well water and a splash of peroxide. Try to shake or rather sling most of the water off and leave a fan blowing over it for a few hours to ensure it dries.


I just started bud washing as I had an aphid infestation on the last run. I’m not sure about well water. If it’s clean and doesn’t smell I’d say you’ll probably be ok. I use an RV filter for water on everything plant related. I did a 3- 5 gallon bucket wash. First bucket of water- 2 cups H2O2
Second bucket- 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup lemon juice. Third bucket- clean water for rinse.
Hang with a fan on them till they quit dripping then dry as normal. It works surprisingly well and I had no issues. Good luck and happy growing!:fist:t3:🪶🪶


Did you do the lemon juice then baking soda? I’m curious just about filling up a bucket with some peroxide and well water and submerging the plant a few times …then drying it. The peroxide should evap off right?

With my well water I get calcium buildup in my humidifier till it stops working. I’m sure it will deposit that same film on your bud even though you can’t see it.

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I don’t think I have much cal, the well water comes out at 4.9ph. In fact the house has a filter that add something to the water entering the home to bring the ph up…some sort of calcium I believe. I think I have more sulfur than anything straight out of the well. But I can use either or…pre filter or after filter if that’s a concern.

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What’s the best way to dry it out quickly after washing, it’s summer here 90F+ 50/60% humidity average. After I can get the water out of the buds I was going to dry them for a week then maybe freezer cure them.

Are you saying this is why you use lime juice or something…as a response to my question about just using plain water and skipping the juice and soda?

I have and would recommend it if you’ve had a noticeable critter infestation just because of all the bug shit they leave behind and the benefit of the bubbly reaction to dislodge it is nice. Last few times, I haven’t and simply did a rinse with my well water and h202 with the h202 at a rate of maybe an 1/8th cup per gallon of water. I used the h202 out of concern for potential spores already on the plant, not in the well water.

As far as any latent h202 sticking behind once it’s dried, I don’t know. I can’t say it has any noticeable effect on taste. You could rinse in the h202 solution then plain tap, I don’t. If your tap is safe to drink, I wouldn’t be concerned about it being the source/cause of mold any more than distilled provided you thoroughly dry it, eg a fan on blowing over it for a few hours.

You can sling most of the water out by hand and then hang it and let a fan blow directly over it for few hours. It’d dry all the wash water pretty quickly if you hung it outside on a clothesline for a few hours in the direct sun, too, if you have one handy. In either case, it shouldn’t take too long so don’t forget about it.

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I use my well water without any issues.


I washed all my harvest last round, and i gotta say I’m pretty sold on it. I didn’t even do the fan blowing over the buds until they were dry. I just washed rung em out and into the drying boxes they went.
Dried nice and even, burns nice and grey, and just something nice about knowing your buds are clean. I used well water but just had it sit in the buckets with lid off for a day or so with a bubbler in both buckets.

Happy growing


Drying boxes…have a link? I used a rack and freezer on the few harvest I’ve had. I actually like the freezer method …but you need a freezer that’s only used for it or you will ruin your food.

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It’s suppose to rain for days on end starting next week. I was going to chop right before it starts. Is there a issue with trying to wash and dry when it’s rainy and humid outside.

Or should I just chop and let it dry out indoors…then after the rains and humidity resolves wash them then. Would washing after a initial dry hurt the cure?

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I used boxes like this and cut holes for strings, and cut a couple o passive intake holes. Nothing fancy but you’ll get a nice even dry at about 10-14 days in there, depending on environmental conditions etc etc


Oh, I see. I use brown paper bags…same thing I guess.

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The high humidity as long as your temps are where you want them to be, might actually help but will ultimately slow down your dry, but id shoot for 60 F / 60% rh.

I actually like the rain when it comes to that in the summer cause i have a tendency to dry to quick or over dry in the summer

I’m in the south of the USA…it’s summer time and even at night we don’t get much below 85F


Ohh yeah so bud washing might be a huge benefit in your case. I have only done it once now but like i said I’m sold on the process, and will be doing it from here on out

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I edited the title …I was wanting to hear of people that used or didn’t use lemon Juice and baking soda and just used water. What were your findings? Did the fizzing really help that much?

Anybody tried white vinegar and soda?

I’m leaning toward just water but I’m in Oklahoma and they grew outdoors and there are tons of bugs out here in the country. If it really makes a difference I’ll fetch some lemon Juice. Everything is so expensive these days.

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