Bug identification please

Looks like this one to me. …The tiny split at the end of its tail, the striated body, two rows of mohawk’s :rofl: , and six legs articulating from the body


It looks like 1 set of Mohawks from the back when I was observing them 6 legs but might be just a nymph form of what ever the duck that is

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I would agree with that assessment, the clear color screams nymph to me. The pic I zoomed in to does indeed appear to show two rows of articulations…

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Found it buffalo treehopper!image @herojuana.tom was going to drive me insane been learning about so many bugs growing outdoors lol


Better know your enemy kar|nullxnull, looks like a cousin of the other one … :sweat_smile:



Glad to know they don’t cause to much damage and I saw real small numbers went and searched my plant like a hawk from top to bottom think I got rid of them they where localized to a small branch on a few leafs so fingers crossed I got a handle on it :+1: @George only got a month left till my first outdoor harvest permitting it works out till the end and no bugs or weather takes it out (knocks on wood)


it can be touch and go when you are growing outside, that’s for sure! If it’s not the bugs, weather or grey mold… what next??


It’s a big learning curve for me because nature will be nature you just have to do what you can :joy: I tend to like to be in charge but it’s pretty damn rewarding and awesome to see a plant naturally expresses itself even if I end up with just a few buds my first grow I’ll be stoked have learned tons!


There’s no reason why you can’t have a “Fist Full Of Cola’s” two fists :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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